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"time of death 15:33" i heard the doctors say. as i heard this my heart dropped, i was bawling. as i looked over toward her parents they were looking at each other, their faces were emotionless, not a tear shed. i tried not to focus on them, i felt my body fall to my knees. i can't believe i just met her and she's already gone.

Baileys P.O.V

i started to see a light ahead of me but as i look back i see Colby on his knees crying. i turn and start to run to him, hoping it wasn't too late.

Colbys P.O.V

"ive got a pulse" i hear the main doctor say smiling. the tears still falling from my eyes, i slowly pick myself up and walk into her room shocked at what had just occurred. " We have to run a few tests because she was out for so long. i must warn you there is a slight chance that she will never wake up." as i here those word everything seems to move slow motion. "what do you mean, she might never wake up? why?" i asked afraid to comprehend what that means. "her brain didnt have oxygen for longer than we would have liked" the doctor explained to me calmly.

~time skip~

i sit there holding baileys hand in mine, although i know that she and i just met i feel obligated to be there for her. i examine her face. smooth skin, perfect nose, beautiful blue eyes. wait! BEAUTIFUL BLUE EYES!!! "omg bailey how are you feeling! can you hear me," i say not giving her a chance to respond. "owe" she barely whispered while she brought her hand to her head. Relief folded over me and I let my head drop and land on her hospital bed sighing a sigh of relief.

Baileys P.O.V

i stare into the oceans he has for eyes. falling deeper into them. but then i remember the sight i had seen. Colby made me feel safe, maybe it's because he saved my life, I don't know honestly. i look out the glass doors that seals my room from the rest of the hospital. they were here, my mother spotted me staring at her. she entered the room, my father not long behind her. "get out" i whispered under my breath, my voice still raspy from not talking very much. "what was that sweaty???" my mother said obviously playing in her make believe world of happiness and joy. "get. out." i said a little louder looking at Colby for reassurance. he got up and started to leave the room. " not you them" i made clear, pointing in the directions of the demons that call themselves my parents. My father looked at me with a face that made me cower in fear. " i think ive miss understood you bailey" my father said with a devilish grin. "no you didnt, you heard her get the fuck out." Colby said, power behind his voice. he looked confident, and sounded even more confident, if that's even possible.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, i wasn't sure what to write. this story sucks and as i'm editing it i have to cut out most of it cuz it's cringe.

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