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Time skip a month

Colby and i had become best friends, i knew that my time in LA was almost up. It's been a month and that's how long my lease was. i was out of money, and i was out of time. Tears slowly began falling from my eyes and i texted colby.

Colbys P.O.V

i lay there in my bed exhausted. Sam, Elton,Cory, Heath, Amanda and i had just been chased out of an abandoned mall for the 2nd time. there i hear a muffled DING. shit wheres my phone. i look for it, throwing my blankets on the ground, ripping off my sheets. then i see it on my nightstand. i laugh at my own stupidity. that laugh slowing turns into me crying as i see the texts from bailey.

Bailey💕: im moving away, im getting evicted from my apartment, and i have no where to go. Colby, i only planned on being here for a month, and that month is up. i'm sorry, but i have to move on, i have to go somewhere new.

me: we'll figure it out ok. we'll call all the time. dont give up.

Bailey💕: how? you dont understand. i'm out of money. i cant stay in LA, i have to leave.

me: come over. we'll figure this out together, ok?

Bailey💕: fine...

not even ten minutes later i hear a cute voice scream "honey im home" bailey. automatically i smile and blush. hearing her call me honey, i knew she was joking but i couldn't help it. i decide to sneak up on her and scare her.

Baileys P.O.V

"honey im home!!!" i scream at the top of my lungs. i go to the kitchen knowing they ALWAYS have ice cream. as i reach in the freezer i feel hands on my hips as i get flipped into a kiss. I was shocked, I'll admit I was getting feelings for Colby but we have only known each other for a month, i feel a beard. wait. Colby doesn't have a beard. i quickly pull away revealing Corey. as he realized that i wasn't devyn he screamed like a little girl and ran upstairs screaming "devyn help i thought bailey was you and i kissed her." i heard devyn laughing hella hard upstairs. i giggled and went back to searching through the freezer.

Colbys P.O.V

as i quietly sneak down my hallway " HELP!!! DEVYN I THOUGHT BAILEY WAS YOU AND I KISSED HER!!!" i heard Corey scream from down stairs. i got weirdly mad, not only was he in a committed relationship with devyn, i was falling for bailey. i started to sprint from where i was in the hallway, as i exit my hallway i see devyn on the floor dying of laughter and Corey saying "its not funny" fake pouting as he was walking up the stairs. ok so i might really like bailey but she doesn't think of me like that.

Baileys P.O.V

as i got out the ice cream I began to think about my feelings for Colby. When I thought it was him kissing me why didn't I pull away? Were my feelings deeper then I thought they were? I was interrupted from my thoughts from hearing Colby come downstairs and i giggle as i see that he has a pissed off face. he was obviously pissed because of the kiss, but why?

Colbys P.O.V

i walk downstairs over exaggerating my upsetness. i hear bailey giggle. that giggle is so freaking adorable. i have to tell her how i feel. "bailey, i need to tell you something." "what" bailey says with her amazing smile. her smile always make me smile. everything about her is perfect. "bailey i....."

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