Chapter 58 - Let's Be Serious

Start from the beginning

"Mom," I said. "Now that we know you can come here, we will show you all around as soon as possible, I promise. But right now, let's go back so we can talk about why we need you."

Back at the house we went to the kitchen so Mom could feed us lunch. That's kind of an Italian thing. If you went into an Italian's house, you pretty much had to eat something. I supposed we were being treated like guests now. Anyway, once we were all sitting down, I began to explain what we needed.

"Mom," I started. "Could you take a few days off work, maybe even a week or so? We could pay you for your time."

"What for?" she naturally asked.

"We might need you to train our boys in sensing techniques. And they are going to need a crash course."

"Oh my," she said. "What's going on?"

I explained the situation to her as quickly as I could, and she agreed to help if they wanted her to, saying she had several sick days available, plus some vacation time. And, of course, she was anxious to meet the boys anyway, now that she knew she could. Now we just needed to convince the boys to let her help them.

Sam's POV

We were working out for about an hour when I realized that Dean was looking better than I had seen him in a very long time. He wasn't acting fidgety or edgy at all, and appeared to be very focused on his workout. So I asked him about it.

"I don't think the mark is affecting me much, if at all," he said. "Maybe it's because the blade isn't even on this world. Maybe it's Maggie. Maybe it's that whammy Cas put on me. Or maybe it's all of those things, I don't know. I'm just happy to be able to concentrate right now."

I was very relieved to hear that. We certainly could use every break we could get right now. About then the girls came in, looking a bit serious. "Take a break for a few, guys," said Katie.

Dean and I grabbed our towels and wiped off most of the sweat we were covered in, but the girls didn't seem to care, they kissed us anyway. We picked up our waters and joined them on one of the floor mats.

"We've gotten something important already from Eric's stuff," said Katie. "Apparently, this other world has a lot of creatures who can attack you invisibly. Eric left a note suggesting you hone up your skills in that department, like a crash course in Martial Arts or something."

"There's no time for that," said Dean.

"No there isn't," said Katie. "But fortunately, we have an even better idea. Our mother."

"What?" I said. Dean, all of a sudden, was looking terrified.

"Our mother teaches a course at the academy on how to sense enemies when you can't see them. She's very good. She could help you."

I felt a little skeptical about that but Dean was dismissing it outright. "That's okay," he said. "We've had years of experience with all kinds of fighting. I'm sure we'll do just fine."

Maggie glared at him. "So you are going to going to turn this idea down without even a thought? Because of ego or what?" she asked.

"Not because of ego, come on. I just don't think it's necessary."

Katie and Maggie looked at each other then back to dean. They got up and Maggie took his hand to pull him up. "Come on," she said. They took him to the large mat in the center of the room, and pulled his sweat band down around his eyes. "Okay, you let us know when we are near you, and you stop us from killing you."

"Piece of cake," said Dean. When they were through with him, they had 'killed' him seven times, and hadn't been caught once. Then Katie put a sweatband over Maggie's eyes and told Dean to sneak up on her. He never could do that without her knowing, and he took two hard tumbles onto the mat before he finally stopped trying.

Katie said, "Now! You really think you ought to dismiss this idea without even giving it a try?"

Dean was staring at Maggie like he'd never seen her before. "What?" she asked him. "Did you think you knew all there was to know about me.?"

"Look, guys," Katie said reasonably. "Eric made it a point to say you needed this kind of training. We happen to have a mother who can teach it to you, and pretty quickly. What's the big deal?"

"Why can't you teach us?" asked Dean.

"One," said Katie, "I need to work on the research. And two, we aren't teachers. Mom is. Is this a macho thing or what?" she asked.

"No," said Dean. "No it isn't. If your mom is willing to help us, we'll... we'll take it."

I readily agreed, but added, "However, I'd like to meet her properly first."

"Great," said Katie. "Let's have her for dinner today. Time is of the essence. Dad too if he can make the trip. It's time you all met each other anyway."

The girls went off to make arrangements, and I went to continue my workout when I noticed the expression on Dean's face. "What's up with you? I asked him.

He looked like he was going to be sick. "Parents," he said. "I've never in my life had to meet a girl's parents." He looked at me with pleading eyes. "Sammy, what am I going to do?"

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