We walked in silence, walking down a couple of steps. It was my first time inside a place like this. There were private rooms, a whole separate VIP area and stripper poles? I was definitely shocked. I couldn't stop looking around the place wide-eyed, I almost forgot why I was here.

"We've been trying to get him out of here but the stubborn fuck just won't go" Shawn said, clearly frustrated with Ash.

"How long has he been here?" I asked curiously.

"Since Friday" Shawn replied, leading me up to the private rooms. I was kind of scared, I didn't know Ash visited these kind of places.

We stopped outside the second last room and I spotted James coming out of it. He looked exhausted, like he'd been up for ages.

"Oh thank God you're here! I haven't been able to get through to him. I asked Shawn to get you here, I know you're the only one who can help him now" James said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Suddenly I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect, or what kind of state Ash would be in. I had absolutely no experience in this kind of situation.
I just solved one situation this morning and now I'm faced with another. For someone who can't solve her own problems at home she sure can solve others'.

"Good luck" James said, walking away with Shawn, leaving me standing there alone. I took a deep breath and reached out to draw open the sheer curtains. I could already see Ash but not clearly.

I drew the curtains and slowly stepped inside. I took one look at him and almost fainted. He was covered in bruises and his shirt was stained with what looked like blood. I swallowed hard as I took in his appearance. Oh Ash! What happened to you?

There were empty bottles all over the place and cigarette butts all over the floor. I had to kick some away as I walked closer to him. The coffee table had white powder everywhere, there was also some on the floor. Although I had never seen it anywhere in my life, I'm pretty sure that was cocain. Oh my God.

I cleared the bottles beside him and sat down. He looked so hurt. He was in such bad shape. I touched his face and he flinched. He quickly opened his eyes and looked suprised to see me.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

"Y-you shouldn't be here. ..Kaia" He slurred.

"Tell me what happened" I asked again.

"No. Y-you have to l-leave. I can't protect you, a-angel" He slurred.

"Let me get you out of here" I said, cupping his bruised face with my hands but he only flinched again.

"Get. ..outta here K-Kaia.. Please" Ash said, begging me to go. He soon fell asleep again.

"Hey! I got some wate-- damn!" Dani said, taking in the place. I grabbed the bottle of water out of her hand and tried to get Ash to sit up.

"You need some help?" Dani asked, moving closer to Ash.

"I'm okay. You go stay with Todd" I replied.

After Dani left, I opened the bottle of water and splashed some on Ash's face, attempting to wake him up.

Since it didn't make a difference, I tried the second time. This time he sat up straight and started wiping the water off his face. He opened his eyes and looked up at me blankly.

"Drink" I said firmly, pushing the bottle towards him. He slowly grabbed the bottle and gulped down the water. That's a start.

"Can you tell me what happened to you?" I asked, gesturing to his face.

He looked at me with an angry face, as if he didn't want me here.

"Does it matter? No, it doesn't" He replied sarcastically, gulping down more water.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, desperate to know why he was acting like this towards me.

"What's wrong with me?! You're asking what's wrong with me? How 'bout you ask my fucking dad or my lovely brother. They'd fucking tell you!" He spat furiously. His fists were balled at his sides and his knuckles were turning white, I looked at it and cautiously took a step back.

"H-How about I get you back to your room? We could talk" I tried to suggest. I was so nervous being around him, I didn't know he had a side like this.

"No! I'm fine right here. Just leave, okay?! I'm not your little project where you fix me up. I'm done being nice!".

"Ashton. I'm s--"

"Save it, Kaia. You wanna know the truth,yeah? Well, guess what love- this is the real me" He said, pointing at himself. I felt tears running down my face as I watched him take it out on me, I wasn't the one who hurt him and yet I stood here frozen, feeling like I was.

"What are you saying, Ash?" I said with tears streaming down my face. I was not expecting it to turn out like this. Him lashing out on me.

He stood up and staggered towards me, I took another step back, I was so afraid.

"This is the truth, Kaia! This is Ashton Parker! The real Ashton Parker. I drink for days on end, I don't give a fuck about anyone and I do drugs, I'm not gonna fucking hide it- it's right infront of your fucking face!" He growled, kicking the table over.

I gasped when all the powder spilt on the floor. I couldn't believe this was Ash. He was nothing like the Ash I knew. .he..he was more like the Ash I met at the beach, arrogant and rude.

Just as I was about to call it quits and take off, Ash fell to his knees, crying. I turned away from him and walked towards the curtains, I was fighting a huge internal battle. I was so conflicted. One part of me wanted to stay and hold him and the other wanted to leave, like he wanted me to.
How do I choose?

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