Chapter 8

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'Hey Justin, if you get this message, just wondering when you think you will be home? I've got a surprise for you babe. Anyway, call me hun.'

I put the phone down, clicking my nails on the kitchen counter, waiting for a reply. Half an hour, an hour, two, he still hadn't replied. I may sound like a nagging girlfriend but he promised he'd be here early tonight, and I was looking forward to spoiling him. Then finally, my phone sounds, Justin.

'Hi, Justin can't come to the phone right now, he's...otherwise occupied.'

'What the fcuk? Who is this?'

'That's really not the right way to talk to someone, manners.'

'Oh shutup. Where is my boyfriend? Can you at least tell me why he can't come to the phone?'

'Isn't it obvious? He's relaxing, having a little fun.' In this moment I can actually feel my stomach drop, it could just be a practical joke, maybe I'm overreacting, Justin would never do that to me.

I drop the phone, I don't care who that girl was, I don't care that she could have been joking, I need to find him. I have no real idea where I'm heading until I end up in the car, I decide to drive to the nearest hotel, a hotel I know a few people from Justin's work occupy. I try to remain calm as I walk up to the concierge, but my attempt at a modest, dignified manner results in my temper overflowing. I can't hold on any longer, so I storm up to the woman behind the desk.

"Excuse me, can you tell me if there is some- actually, no, can you please tell me the room number of a Justin Scott? It's urgent." She doesn't acknowledge me as she taps away at her keyboard, a pout firmly fixed on her face.

"I'm sorry mam, we can't do that, visitors privacy laws." I start to get more frustrated than before, demanding her attention.

"Listen, 'mam', I really don't care about your prissy little, snobby rules. I NEED TO SEE HIM."

"Like I said -"

"No, you don't understand, I'm his... Wife."

I lie, hoping that it will get me inside sooner, personally, I don't care if I have to charge up there myself without permission, but I'm hoping there is a way I can get to him without breaking the law.

"You're, hang on, Mr. Scott is married? You're his wife?" In a moment she shows her disbelief, seemingly overcome with shock.

"Yes. Yes I am. Now can I please see my husband now?"

"Ah, of course mam, room 47."

For some reason I think I see a smirk on her face as she says this, but it quickly turns back into a snarl as she turns to face her computer again.

I brace myself as I knock on his door, hoping to all that is good that my gut feeling isn't right, he isn't with a woman, and I'm totally paranoid. As I knock, however, the sounds on the other side of the door tell me a completely different story. I try to ignore them as I knock, thinking that maybe a have the wrong room number, then I hear her.

"No Justin, don't answer it, come back to bed baby."

She giggles, the voice bearing an uncanny resemblance to the one I heard on my boyfriend's phone just minuted ago, it's all becoming way too real now.

"It's probably just room service, you know you don't want to leave me like this now do you Justin?"

As I hear this I decide that I can't handle what is inevitably on the other side of that door, and I begin to turn, ready to leg it back down the corridor when the door opens, revealing MY boyfriend standing in his pants. I swear his eyes roll back into his head for a moment as he realises that he has been caught.

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