Chapter 1

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"I wouldn't do that if I were you!"

A voice breaks the silence, causing the tiny woman to shiver. Her body convulses with the realisation of what she was so close to doing, breaking her out of her dreamland, the place where nothing else matters. She pulls herself into the railing again as she suddenly finds the power to speak.

"Why? Why wouldn't I? You don't know why I'm here! Don't judge us! Let us do it, please..."

Her voice trails of to a whimper, sobs rack their way through her body as she lets go.

The air hits her face in a massive wave, she lets herself relax, ready for the sharp descent of doom.

"STOP!" The deep tones of the older woman echo in the Geordie's ears, as she lets herself be pulled back over the cold, damp railing.

"I told you... To let us... Why didn't... Leave... Oh god..."

(Kimberley's POV)

I feel the body in my arms tighten, then turn limp, if it weren't for the sound of her sharp breathing I would've thought the body to be lifeless as well.

I look down at the oddly familiar face, deep brown curls cascading down around her striking features.

"This woman should be a model." I heard myself say.

Although short, her whole being was simply too beautiful to be ignored, too stunning to be laying here in my arms, on the harsh pavement on the side of a bridge, she surely is model-material.

'What a thing to be thinking Kim, this woman has very nearly plummeted to her death and all you could think about is whether or not she could be a model.'

"Where... Where am I?" Her eyes are open, sh!t, what do I do?

"Did you, did you stop us?"

Say something Kimberley, for god sakes, how hard can it be, answer her!

"What's your name?"

Good one. Honestly Kim, you used to have such a way with words.

"It doesn't matter. Why didn't you let us do it?"

"Let you jump? I wasn't stopping you. You could have let go anytime-er, I'm sorry, but it really would make things easier if I knew your name."


She bolts upright, something I said must have offended her. Dammit, Kimberley.

"Oh, so this is like a procedure to you, save the poor girl and clear your conscience, is there an order to how you do that? Have you been in this situation before? Things, pfft. And no, for your information knowing me name would actually make 'things' more complicated, so I suggest you don't ask again. Excuse us, whoever you are, but I'd let to get on me way now."

Suddenly she had awoken fully, ranting and raving at me, the person who had just saved her life. Something I said set her off. Damn it Kimberley, the one time you decide not to keep your gob shut.


I look up to see - possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon - with a stern look spread across her face. Even in the dark, with cuts and bruises adorning her face, obscuring my view, she still look breath-taking. For the first time I notice her dimples, gently piercing her olive skin, even when she was frowning they were visible, like tiny water droplets present as tears on her cheek.

"Me arm. Let. Go. Of. Me arm"

Her voice, though sharp, was filled with fear.


"I swear to god -"


"I swear to god Kimberley, if you don't let go of us right now I will scream so loud half the city will come runnin'!"

"And then what are you going to do?" Harsh, but true, "I get the feeling that you don't want to be around other people right now, so what are you going to do when half the city come flocking, asking you all sorts?" Also harsh.

"I don't want to be around YOU. Let. Us. Go." Ooft, very harsh.

I let go my grip on her bruised wrist, and watch her as she turns away. I think I see a look of desperation in her eyes as her face falls, the realisation that I have given up on her setting in. But I haven't let go, not yet.

"Where are you going to go?"

A look of panic finds its way to her face.

"I may not know you, but I am certain you have nowhere to go."

Wise choice of words there. For a second I don't even realise it, but I've pushed her too far. I don't fathom how my words could have such a profound effect on her until she does it, she sprints away from me and towards the railing again. She swings one leg over, without the slightest bit of care, and grasps the freezing, grimy bar.

I leap from my seat on the pavement, a sense of deja vu overtakes me as I scream, grip her shoulders, and force her back over the bar. That's when I see it, in her eyes. You should've let us do it.

"Kimberley?" A moment of silence looms as I pray her to continue.

"Help us. Please help us Kimberley..."

I look down at her and smile gently, the woman who just a few moments ago seemed so defiant, without a care in the world, was now helpless, falling apart in my arms. I silently ponder my answer, however deep down knowing that no matter how much thinking I do, it simply wasn't inside me to leave this poor woman in such a fragile state. I nod.

"I'm here. Promise not to scare me like that again."


"At least tell me your name, please." It was beginning to sound like I was the one begging her for help.

"I can't, you don't understand. Me name, I can't do it, I don't expect ya to get it, but just don't ask us again yeah?"

Why would a name hold so much significance? I don't question her, instead I lead her to my little car and tell her she's not going anywhere. She doesn't protest, she curls up in her seat and cries almost silently, seemingly losing the ability to speak again. I don't think she knows I can hear her when she whispers.

"I promise..."

She didn't mean it.

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