"You better not be lying."

"I ain't lying. Come see for yourself." I stood up and walked towards the barn and everyone followed. When I got to the barn I gave Soda some sugar cubes.

"He loves sugar cubes." Soda smiled.

"Yeah. I noticed." I smirked. We walked to the field where there was horses standing everywhere.

"Mickey! Mickey!" I hollered. After a few times a beautiful horses came trotting to us. He looked up and saw Soda and ran to him. He nuzzled in Soda's chest.

"Oh Mickey Mouse I missed you." Soda said almost crying.

"He's yours. You can keep him here and visit when ever you want or you can put him in the stable by Diva." I told him.

"Oh thank you Shelby!! You really are amazing!!" He hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Anything for my bro." I smiled. "Do you want to ride him?"

"Of course!!" Soda smiled bigger than ever.

"I'll go get ya a saddle and stuff." I walked to the barn and grabbed one of our saddles. I saddled him up and Soda took off. We could hear him laughing.

"Thank you Shelby. That was like our dads other son." Darry said.

"Yeah thanks a lot." Pony said.

"No problem guys. Yall have done a lot for me here lately." I told them.

Soda rode Mickey till dark then unsaddled him. We sat around and ate snacks.

"I'm ready for bed." I yawned.

"One rule though." My grandpa said.

"Which is?"

"No staying in the same room with your boyfriends. That goes for all of you." He said sternly.

"Fine. I'll sleep in my bed with Leah and Skylar. Sydni and Thomas get the spare room. Greg and Blake get their room. The other girls can make pallets in the living room and the boys in the back room." I said.

"Me and Ashley are going home. Pony and Darry are coming with us." Lauren said.

"I'm going to with Johnny." Chandra said.

"Ok that's fine." I told them. The only reason they are going is to share a room with their boyfriends. I'm pretty sure Lauren still won't let Ashley.

"I promised my sisters and brother I'd come home to and bring Soda." Leah said.

"That works. So me, Timber, and Skylar in my bed." I said.

"Yeah and I'm going home and Hunter's going home." Nate said.

"Me and Thomas are crashing here." Sydni said.

"Ok so me, Timber, and Skylar in my bed. Steve, Dally, and, Two-Bit in the spare room. And Greg and Blake in theirs. And Thomas and Sydni in Layne and Landon's bed. Landon and Layne can sleep on a blow up mattress tonight. That works." I said.

We all got ready for bed.

"Good night Benwilpott. I love you." Steve kissed me.

"Good night Stevie. Love you more."

"Love you most." He told me. We went to our rooms. I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Greg's POV

I gotta find the prick. I know where he lives and works. I know all his friends and family. Plus, he's not smart enough to go in hiding for awhile. This should be easy. Everyone was asleep so I tried to sneak out the door quietly. Someone cleared their throat. Shit! I've been caught. I slowly turned around.

"Gonna go kill em without us. I'm crushed." Dally smirked.

"You where gonna go have some fun without us." Two-But said.

"Go back to bed guys." I told them

"We where never in bed. We knew you would go after him. We had a feeling that's why you came." Dal smirked.

"Just go to bed." I growled. "I don't want anyone else involved."

"Involved. They already hurt our sister. I think we're already involved." Dally sounded like he was getting annoyed.

"Do you want me to scream?" Two-Bit asked.

"Why would I want you to do that?" I asked him confused.

"To wake everyone up and tell them where you're going." He answered.

"Fine come on." I said defeated. We walk out and walked towards his house. Hopefully finding him there.....




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Question: Who is the current owner of the DX?

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