Remember when

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Oh my gosh guys I'm sorry! I hope you like this chapter and I'll try to update sooner.
Steve's POV
This has to be perfect. I have everything ready to show her. I have the charm necklace that has a charm for everyone on it, the promise ring, the locket Greg gave her, and of course our tattoos. How has she not noticed hers?? I cooked her favorite meal, chocolate chip pancakes and bacon with chocolate milk to drink. The cakes in the oven. Geez, what all a guy will do for a girl. There's a knock at the door. It has to be Shelby.
"Come in!" I holler from the kitchen. I heard the door open and close then footsteps came towards the kitchen.
"Steve." She said softly. She looked beautiful, as always.
"Hey." I smiled.
"What did you wanna show me?" She asked.
"Oh yeah. Come here. It's all on the table." I walked to the table. I pulled a chair out for her.
"Thank you." She smiled.
"No problem. First I want to show you the charm necklace. See." I handed it to her. "When you left for college the first time you got everyone one. Each person had their own charm. Do you remember?" I asked hopefully. She studied the necklace and twisted it in her hand.
"It's blurry. I remember wearing it and crying when I gave everyone one but I don't remember anything else." She looked frustrated.
"Hey that's good. That means we're one step closer."
"I guess you're right."
"I'm always right." I joked. "Now for the next thing....the promise ring I gave you." I grabbed her hand and slipped it on her finger. She just watched me. She slid her hand slowly out of mine and put her hand up to her face looking at the ring on her finger.
"It's beautiful." She said in awe.
"Do you remember?" I asked hopefully.
"No. Not at all. It seems like everything that involves just you I don't remember but things that involve the rest of the gang I do."
"Well let's keep trying." I grabbed the locket. "Greg gave you this for your birthday." She grabbed it and opened it.
"Do you remember?" I asked. She started crying. "What's wrong?" I grabbed her shoulders.
"It's just I really want to remember. You seem really sweet and like you really care about and I'm sorry I can't remember."
"Baby it's ok. It's not your fault. It'll come back to you one day."
"Steve I'm scared it's gonna be to late."
"No. It'll never be to late." I looked her in the eyes. She had to know no matter how long it takes I'm gonna wait. She reached into her purse and pulled out a little black box. Oh no. God please don't let this be what I think it is.
"I'm sorry." She opened the box. I was right. It was an engagement ring. "I said yes." I was speechless. I started shaking. She's being taken away from me.
"Steve I'm sorry."
"There's only one more thing." I said.
"The tattoo."
"What tattoo?"
"Have you seriously not noticed?"
"Noticed what?"
"When you take a shower do you ever look above your left leg?"
"I don't really pay attention. When I take a bath I'm always crying."
"Well let me show you." I stood up and stood in front of her.
"Steve what are you doing?"
"I'm not gonna hurt you. Just take off your shirt or I will."
"There's no way in hell I'm taking off my shirt." She said firmly.
"Fine. I will." I grabbed the bottom of her shirt. She kicked at me and tried to hit me. I picked her up and carried her to the couch. I ripped her shirt over her head.
"Now look." I backed away. She looked down and touched the tattoo.
"Oh my God how in the hell did I not notice that?"
"Good question. I have one to." I took off my shirt. She stood up and walked to me. She put her hand over my tattoo with her name on it.
"Steve did we ever....go all the way?"
"Yeah. Five or six times. Why?"
"I still don't remember but maybe if we, ya know, I'll remember."
"Are you sure?"
"What else can we do?" She asked. She had a point.
"Nothing." I kissed her. She kissed me back! We made our way to the bedroom. I put her on the bed and continue to kiss her passionately.

Shelby's POV
This is so familiar. It's like déjà vu. His touch is like a drug. I can't get enough of it. But what's sad is I still don't remember. I just have this feeling that their was something. It feels like it's just us here. But I do remember Caden. Everything we've been through. He's so good to me. I can't hurt him. Not till I remember. Steve works his hands down. He slides off my pants.
"You're so beautiful." He says against my thigh sending chills through my body. I didn't say anything. I ran my fingers through his hair. He wiggled out of his jeans. Now all we had on was our underwear. I was wearing my black ones with pink ruffles.
"Do you remember where you got these?" He asked.
"I bought them for you for your birthday."
"They look better on the floor." He yanked them off and threw them on the floor. He kissed my stomach and worked his way down. He stopped above my bikini line. He looked up at me.
"Are you sure?" He asked me sincerely.
"Yes." In all reality I wasn't sure. I was nervous. I want to remember so bad but if I do what will happen to Caden. Steve pulls of his boxers. Oh my God!! He's huge!! I don't think it's gonna fit!!
"Shocker huh?" He smirked. I noticed my mouth was wide open. I just nodded my head in reply.
"It fit last time." He said entering me. I moaned loudly. He started pounding into me. Faster with every thrust. I screamed.
"Oh by the way you're a screamer." He said.
"Thanks for telling me now."

Sydni's POV
Back pain. Horrible horrible back pain. Being pregnant sucks. All I do is hurt, eat, sleep, and puke. Literally. Thomas is working late tonight so it's just me. I just got half way comfortable with my feet propped up when there was a knock at the door. Ugh! Why do people have to be so damn annoying. I looked through the peep hole and it was Caden. Great. My best friend is here....NOT! I opened the door.
"This better be good." I said flatly.
"Can I come in?" He asked. I stepped aside and motioned him in. "Thank you"
"What do you want?"
"Can I not just come to see my best friend?" He smirked.
"That'd be ok except one thing....IM NOT YOUR BEST FRIEND. I'm not even your friend period."
"You're gonna be saying more than ouch when I'm done with you."
"What are you gonna do? Sit on me." He chuckled.
"Is that a fat joke?"
"No. It's a pregnant joke."
"Well if you haven't noticed I am pregnant. And I'm hormonal. Meaning I'm not in the mood for your shit. Now. What. Do. You. Want?" I getting pissed. Wait I am pissed. Ain't no getting about it.
"I asked Shelby to marry me this morning." He said calmly. I was speechless. She wouldn't do that. She's suppose to love Randle. This is not what I planned and I don't like people going against my plans. My plans are awesome.
"What'd she say? Please say she said no."
"She said yes." He smiled. No. No. No. No.this is not what I wanted to hear.
"What about Steve?" I whispered more to myself.
"Fuck Steve. This is my second chance. I lost her once and I'm NOT losing her again."
"You don't deserve a second chance. No one does with her. You hurt her once and now I have to kill you twice." Great. Now I'm gonna have my baby while I'm in jail.
"Sydni chill. Can't you just be happy for us. Shelby's happy."
"No she's not!! Shelby was happy with Steve. The only reason she's with you is because she lost her memory. And when she gets it back she'll drop you like the piece of shit you are."
"She won't leave me if she remembers after we're married and start a family. That's why we're getting married next month during her fall break and as soon as we're married we're starting a family."
"You bastard. You're just hurting her. You don't care about anyone's happiness but yours." I growled.
"Shelby is happy. Can't you see that?!"
"She doesn't look at you like she looks at Steve. When she looks at him her eyes sparkle and her smile is real. Before she met him she hadn't smiled a real smile in I don't know how long. She truly loves him. She only thinks she loves you." I spat.
"Whatever." He stormed out. It was just me again.
"Well shit."

Steve's POV
That was amazing! God I hope she remembers now. Only way to find out.
"Shelby do you remember?"

Shelby's POV
How can I not remember something that magical. It didn't feel like we were just having sex. It felt like we were making love. You know what I mean? Then came the dreaded question...
"Shelby do you remember?" He looked at me eagerly. I was quiet for a second. I looked away from him. I couldn't stand to see the hurt in his eyes when I told him.
Hope you liked it!!!! Feel free to comment/fav/share.

QUSETION: what did Ashley and Ponyboy get Shelby for her birthday??

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