Onwards to Battle

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-Tsuna's POV-

There were students dressed in black everywhere at the school gates. I recognize one of them as Tetsuya Kusakabe-Hibari's second in command of the Disciplinary Committee- or maybe lackey is more like it.

He's always seen with Hibari and helps him keep the peace in school. I always wonder who would be willing to spend their time with such an antisocial bloodthirsty Skylark but now I can see that there are people who admire and follow him. That's good to know.

Curious, I walked up to him.

"Hi, er....Kusakabe-senpai? Why are there so many people from the community here?"

Kusakabe blinked at me with wide eyes, surprised that I could talk. 'Oh c'mon! I never said I was mute. I just didn't want to stand out.....' I resist the urge to roll my eyes but instead smiled sweetly as I waited for his answer.

After a few seconds, he regained his composure and cleared his throat.

"There have been fights breaking out lately for the past few days. So far more than 15 of our students have been injured by this unknown assailant(s). The disciplinary committee has been ordered to patrol the whole area till we manage to find out the identity of the culprit. We can't have any more students getting attack. It will ruin the reputation of the school." He explained.

"What about Hibari-senpai?" I asked.

"Kyo-san has been busy with his investigation. He prefers to work on it alone."

'So that explains why he's not here. Oh well, I guess I don't have to run away from him today.'

"Thanks Kusakabe-senpai. Good luck with your work." I bowed politely and proceeded towards the school building.

"Stay safe kid." He said as I left.


I arrived in class, frowning when I saw that more than half the class was still not here. I wasn't early, nor was I late. So why are there so few students here?

Class started and the teacher sighed at the lack of students in class but continued teaching since he's still getting paid anyway with or without students present. I swept a glance across the class and was surprised to see that there were only a few students left in class including myself and Yamamoto.

He was slouched in his seat, sleeping away with his face buried under the crook of his arm whereas Gokudera was absent from his seat. Well, I didn't have to worry about him since he's always absent without reason. But I can't help but wonder why are there so many absentees today? Does it have something to do with the attacks?

I got worried when I realized that Kyoko and Hana were not in class too. 'I do hope they're safe.' I prayed silently to whoever's listening.

Bored with the teacher's rumbling, I took out my phone to look at some news. I absentmindedly scrolled through the list of news when one particular news headline stopped me. '13 Year Old Girl Severely Injured in Car accident.' The article states that the incident happened about a week ago and the girl is in a serious state of medical attention as some of her internal organs are damaged by the accident. 'Poor girl. I hope she gets better soon.' I thought but didn't think too much of it.

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