The Dateline Draws Near

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-Tsuna's POV-

The days passed by as usual and there's only 2 days left till my 14th birthday. I've been counting down the days on my calendar ever since I was cursed but not in the excited way that everybody gets when their birthday is coming near.

Birthdays are meant to celebrate the day when you're born. Everyone who gathers to celebrate with you are conveying the words 'thank you for being born into the world' just by being there to sing you the birthday song. It's a wonderful and special day for the birthday boy/girl but for me, it's the worst day of the year. It just serves as a countdown to my death and to my next reincarnation. And on my 15th birthday, it'll be the time to say goodbye to the ones I knew and loved. It is a sad day of departure and goodbyes.

So yeah, birthdays are never my thing.

And yet I find myself wondering why everyone is sneaking about, being all secretive about something that they're not telling me. I do have a stinking suspicion that it's about birthdays but I'm not simple-minded enough to let myself to get my hopes up over this. There's something bigger going on over here and I'm not involved.

'Well, whatever. I don't care.'

That's what I tell myself as I went about my day.


The next morning was the same. Everyone was being all sneaky and acting real suspicious.

'Can't they act more natural? It's obvious they're hiding something and they are not even doing a good job of hiding it!' I screamed in my head. Even though I say i don't care about it, the fact is, it bothers me very much. I couldn't help but find myself wondering what plans they might have and how they're going to carry it out.

Yamamoto and Gokudera excused themselves from school early and I was left to head home alone. As I walked back alone, my mind again wondered to them.

I'm glad they're doing this for me but how should I react? Birthdays are not a happy event for me. For my previous birthdays, it had always been me and Kaa-san celebrating it. Kaa-san would buy a small cake just big enough for the two of us and we will sing a birthday song before I make a wish and blow out the candles. Kaa-san would congratulate me and shower me with kisses and hugs while I laugh alongside with her. I put on a facade in front of her so she will never suspect a thing. Considering how dense Kaa-san is, it isn't so hard to fool her. Although it's harder to fool my aching heart when I lie to her like that.

It has always been the two of us but now the household seems bigger. Will I be able to fool everyone? Would anyone see through my facade? Questions that I have no answers for kept popping up in my head endlessly ever since these people started intruding into my life.

Before I knew it, I found myself in front of my house.

"Ciaossu." Reborn-again, appearing out of nowhere-greeted me at the front door.

"Ciao Reborn. Where have you been this morning?" I inquired.

"About." He vaguely answered and then ignoring my annoyed frown, he went forward to open the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" A chorus of people shouted and I found party streamers thrown at my face. Everyone that I met these past few weeks are here; Haru, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Bianchi, Lambo, I-pin, Kyoko and Ryohei-senpai.

I didn't know how to respond but I guess I don't have to since Reborn did it for me.

"Thank you. I appreciate that you guys gathered here for me today."

"Huh? For you Reborn?" I turned my head towards the infant, puzzled by his words.

"That's right. I'm turning 1 year old today."

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