~Chapter 20~

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The next morning Louis woke up with extreme throbbing in his head. He partially remember the last night. One thing that he vividly remembered was the kiss. He tried to open his eyes, but the light in the room was so bright moreover he felt like someone's knocking hammers on his head.

"Good Morning..." He heard the familiar comforting voice, making him open his eyes. 

"Morning...." He said lazily getting up, 

"You look adorable..." Harry chuckled.

"My head hurts...what happened? Where are my clothes?" Louis said as he realised he wasn't wearing any shirt.

"Here's some lemon juice. And take this tablet with the it. It will help the headache." Harry said handing Louis the glass. 

"Thanks...Did I sleep here? In your room?" Louis asked.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Harry asked, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"I do...actually...." Louis said, surprisingly, he was blushing, "It was the worst way of confessing feelings wan't it?" He said looking up.

"Are you kidding me? You had me speechless, I didn't know you were this romantic!" Harry said, blushing.

"I am sorry for what I did the last time you were at my place...I ...I just got scared..."

"I know....It's okay....sorry for stealing your pen..." Harry said sheepishly..

"Oh...No it's okay...I got it back....you know what else I got back?" Louis said,


"The most special person in my life...and I am going to tell him now that I am never letting him go again...." Louis said with a smirk, Harry was all red now.

"He is saying that he will never leave you again...and that he is sorry..." Harry said looking down.

"Tell him it's okay....can  you ask him if I can kiss him now?" Louis said,

"I don't think he'll mind..." Harry barely finished his sentence when Louis literally jumped on him and started kissing him as the both fell on bed.

"Harry?" Louis said in the middle of kiss.

"Yeah?" Harry said pulling out.

"Where are my clothes by the way?" 

"Well...You puked on them so I sent them to laundry, I kept trying to make you wear my clothes but you wouldn't listen to me. I gotta tell you become more adorable when you are drunk."

"This is so....embarrassing.." Louis said sheepishly.

"How are you feeling now?" Harry said,

"Much better, seriously....Thanks for the juice..." Louis said,

"Now, that you are sober, Can I ask you something?" Harry asked,


"Where did you find that pen?" Harry asked, a bit hesitantly.

Louis smiled first, then after a moment he said,

"I gotta show you something else too," 

"O-okay..." Harry said, Clueless of why Louis ignored his question.

"Where's my jacket? Don't tell me I ruined it as well?" Louis said, looking for his jacket.

"Oh no...you took it off, you were feeling hot." Harry said, with a smirk.

"C'mon..don't do that..it's embarrassing" Louis said, pushing him playfully,

"Fine..it's right there....I..I'll get it for you.." Harry said, getting up.

He handed Louis his jacket and watched him struggling with it to find something, may be his pocket. He reached his hand inside the inner pocket and pulled out an old piece of paper and handed it over to Harry, with a cute little curve on his lips and shine in his eyes. Harry unfolded it carefully, to examine it.

"You.....Jesus...you still....still have it....you....k-kept it?...no way.." 

Louis watched Harry fondly, struggling with words. He loved it when his green eyes grow bigger with astonishment. He noticed Harry's trembling hands, and moved his hands closer to hold them and said,

"Yes I did....I fell for you the moment I read this...I guess...I just didn't know it was you...I wish... I knew it the first time we met."

"I can't believe this is happening..." Harry said looking right into Louis' eyes.

"Me neither, it's like a dream...a dream I never want to wake up from." Louis said,moving forward to hug Harry as Harry wrapped himself over Louis.

"And....I found the pen in your office, thank god I did, otherwise I never would have known what you feel...." Louis said,

"I just didn't want to take a risk with our growing friendship..." Harry said.

"Actually me too..." Louis mumbled, while curling up in Harry's arm.

"Do you wanna know why your head hurts?" Harry asked,

"Oh..that I remember clearly...how did you even end with a jerk like him?" Louis asked,

"Well...I had lost every hope of being with you...and it was killing me..so Zayn and Liam suggested I should move on. And he was the next thing I saw and thought of giving it a shot....you are not mad...are you?"

"No. Of course not...I know you didn't feel anything for him...especially after seeing you kick him out. However, I admit I was jealous...very jealous." Louis said,

"I am...sorry..." Harry mumbled.

"That's okay babe..." Louis said, firming his hold on Harry.

  They stayed like this for some moments, it was the greatest feeling They were together, and there was no one to come in between them now. 

"Harry? What day is today?" Louis asked, 

"Wednesday." Harry said,

"Fuck!!! Niall! I gotta go Harry...what time is it? Shitt...." Louis jumped from bed.

"Louis....shh..listen...Lou..." Harry got up and gripped Louis from his shoulders,

"Niall is fine... Its 3 in the afternoon, the surgery was successful, he is fine. Liam and Zayn are with him, and we will leave in few more minutes. The Police got the person behind it. It was the bar tender there, he is under custody, somebody paid him to do that...some sort of old business rivalry." Harry said calmly.

"When are we leaving? I wanna see Niall." Louis asked,

"Just as much time you are gonna take to get ready." Harry said,

"Okay...can I use the washroom?"

"Of course you can, are you kidding!? It's right, I will go get some fruits for you." Harry said,



"Can I borrow your clothes?" 

This made Harry's dimples to show.

"Sure..wardrobe is to the left, wear whatever you like or...I should say whatever fits you.." Harry chuckled.

"Whatever..." Louis scoffed.


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