~Chapter 2~

777 31 2

6th Oct, 2017 

Dear Sim,

I finally did it. I gave my resignation today. I don't care of what people will say. Of course they will make fun of me...leaving a job of Marketing Director at Rosewood's fashion company with $126,000 per month pay.  But I think, my mental health is more important than money. I don't think money will help me if I hang my self cause of anxiety disorders. What's the use of money then? Well, I am just kidding, I won't hang myself from ceiling. Never. But, I think I might have if I have stayed in this company for a couple more days!

I can't tell you how free I am feeling right now, so peaceful, so calm...relaxed...

Well, time for reality to kick in. I am jobless, unemployed and soon gonna have to sing on streets for food!  But, surprisingly none of these thoughts are threatening me..not even little. I am not nervous. I am happy! I am feeling free as a bird. I don't have to stress about future, there's gotta be some place where I can work, I sure love the career line I am in, but, Rosewood's was clearly not a place where I can work, it was clearly killing my passion for my work. I want to work somewhere, where can embrace the passion, enjoy the work and be stress and anxiety free.  

Now, I have to look for a new job. I don't think will mind starting from a low level, if I had to. It will be a bit difficult, after being the sales Manager and then going for low levels, but I will somehow manage. Well, I have an interview tomorrow at Poulston for Chief Management Officer. Yes! POULSTON!  I still can't believe I applied there! I have nil hopes for a job at Poulston, because I need more work experience on my resume...(According to their demands) but at least I will get a chance to visit their offices! I read on fashion digest last week that Poulston, again made it to first rank, for the work conditions for employees. Not to mention the other areas, where Poulston was no.1. I haven't prepared much, just as much that I don't make a fool of myself in Poulston. I have always wanted to visit that building! And tomorrow I am gonna! I have fingers crossed for I won't act as a complete peasant there and get kicked out the most prestigious building in London.

I did a little dance when I read their mail, giving me tomorrow's appointment, and I accidentally slammed by hand on our special feather pen! Luckily I was quick enough to save it from falling on the ground! Phew! It's been two years, I didn't let it encounter a single scratch! I love it's black feathers...beautiful..isn't it? Well, not as beautiful as him, my blue eyed prince from train. I wish I knew his name... Yeah! yeah! I know I sound like a high school girl..but..he was really handsome! You saw him right?  And I really didn't mean to steal..I just wanted something to remember him by... well, why am I explaining this to you! You know..sim, and I know you don't judge me... I think I should go to sleep now... I need to get up early tomorrow to visit Poulston..Yay!!! POULSTON!!! 

I will work there someday! I will. When I have more work experience...

Good Night Sim, hope to drink less before I sleep tonight. And hope resigning this stupid dead end and stressful job will help me deal with my drinking problem. 



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