~Chapter 8~

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25th October, 17

Dear Sim,

As I said before, Liam and Zayn really are nice people. We had dinner the other day and the whole time spent with them was amazing, I sure wanna hang put with them more often! We talked about how they met and how they were like when they first started going out to now, when they live together. I think I envy them. Having someone to hug till you fall asleep, to love, to make coffee for, all these little things might seem unimportant but I think these are the base of every happy relationship. Have someone to love, who loves you back, is clearly so much better that, having a pen to hold, to feel "his" presence. I still didn't tell them about my love for Louis, I think this can wait, however, I did tell them I am gay. Liam didn't seem much surprised, his exact words were, "I think I already knew that..." while Zayn just smiled, a happy smile. They did ask me questions about me seeing anyone or whatever... I told them about the guys I have dated before, and of course about how my parents took it when I told them. 

I thought I would tell them about Louis later, but the coffee room incident certainly says something else. 

So, today, the three of us were just hanging out in the coffee room, drinking coffee, talking about everything and nothing. 

"I don't think I can ever go back to living as single..." Liam said, "I mean, I can't even stand the idea of living a life without you." He continued looking at Zayn, who just looked down smiling. Okay, they are cute.

"I don't even like this idea, I don't know how you do it," Zayn said, as he turned his head towards me, "I mean, doesn't it feel awkward?" He said,

"Hon, you just can't ask people that-" Liam started,

"No, no that's okay, I actually sometimes think the same," I said, "But, I guess, I am done with this whole pointless, dating random people thing...I think it's time to have something real, like...like you guys have..." I said,

"I think that's so sweet...." Liam said, patting my shoulder.

"Isn't it? I think I am waiting for the right person...you know someone who gives you butterflies...or someone who..." and before I could finish what I was saying, someone walked it. Some one, with pretty face, beautiful eyes and handsome personality. They both turned their heads to see as Louis walked in to get coffee, and then turned back at me. Because, I, apparently, couldn't keep my mouth shut! I had to complete what I was saying...  

"...who..makes... your dopamine levels dance... just by w-walking in the room....who makes you feel....like every second is beautiful....someone like...." and I am pretty sure by the looks on Liam and Zayn that I was talking really slower than usual, and might be staring Louis as he walked out. 

"Someone like Louis?" Zayn said, all confused.

"Yeah...." and there spoke my unconscious.... 

"What!?" Liam said,

"What?" I asked, as I got back in my senses.

"Louis?" Zayn asked,

"What about him?" My another failed try to cover up.

"Do...do you have a crush on Louis?" Zayn asked again,

"What are you talking abo-"

"Harry? Mate?" Liam asked,


"Tell us." And then they both looked at me with their eyebrows raised. 

"Okay...you got me..." I said, I didn't know what was going to happen and how are they gonna take it.

"Since when?" Liam asked...

"Well...that...is a tricky question..." I said,

"Oh! C'mon! I wanna know!" Zayn said,

"I really don't know where to start, I haven't told anyone..." And then I told them. They seemed to take it quiet well, if we ignore Liam's face making. 

"Now, I think it's cute..." Zayn said, patting me on the back.

"But it's hopeless!" Liam said,

"I know! I don't know what to do!"

"May be..tell him about your feelings?" Zayn suggested,

"Oh! and you know that he is gay?" Liam commented,

 "I knew I would meet him someday! I sort of knew that! I thought I will tell him about my feelings the next time we meet, But I didn't know this would happen! I mean, things are much more complicated now! This whole idea can get me fired!" 

"I think you are right, you are gonna get fired before your first paycheck!" Liam said,

"Now, you would wish he better be that old guy with spectacles and suspenders, huh?" Zayn said, and to my surprise that made me laugh! I don't remember laughing when I am stressed ever. No matter what happens, one thing is sure that I have good friends and they are really really nice. 

 I still have to figure what I should do, though. However, a voice in my head is asking me to just let things happen the way they are, and in a way, if we see, this is sort of a good thing. I can see him everyday, I mean, what else can I ask for. I mean, a couple of months before I was so desperate to click a picture of his picture just so I can see him! And this whole thought just made me excited to see him again tomorrow.

Good Night Sim,



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