chapter seven // song writers.

Start from the beginning

"What are you smiling about?" I ask, flopping on the couch beside him.

Niall and I have been in the studio writing our new song all day. Tyler warned me that if I hadn't come up with something good by the end of the night, that he was going to withdraw 'Operation Inspiration' which means no more Olivia.

Luckily I had written a song last night all by myself and Niall and I have just been tweaking it all morning.

"You've got it bad, man," He smirks at me.

"What do you mean 'I've got it bad'?" I demand, becoming defensive. Niall doesn't even flinch at the raise of my voice. The boys have grown used to me. I do feel bad for being rude with Niall, but I can't help it.

"You actually like Olivia. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I just didn't think it'd happen after two dates," He lets out a small laugh and gets on his feet, knowing that I'm not going to just let him say that.

I hop up to my feet as well, the corners of my mouth turning down forming my mouth into a frown.

"Sure, I like hanging out with Olivia. And of course I'm physically attracted to her, she's a pretty girl. But I could end this right now if I wanted to," I snort,

"Yeah, but you don't want to," Niall comments, still wearing that irritating smug smile.

"I can't! It would be pointless ending it after getting one measly song out of it," I explain, pulling out the first excuse I can think of.

As much as I want to disagree with Niall, a part of me knows he's right. I couldn't end this, and trust me I want to be able to. I can't imagine calling up Olivia and making up some dumb excuse as to why we wouldn't work out.

"Why can't you just admit that you like her more than you anticipated? Is it so hard to admit you're wrong?" Niall asks, amused by my defensive responses.

"BECAUSE I DO NOT LIKE HER LIKE-" I start to raise my voice even more, but I'm interrupted by the studio door swinging open.

We turn to see Tyler and the rest of the boys entering the studio. They all wear looks of confusion at the fight breaking about between Niall and I. The boys look less confused than Tyler. They know Niall and I have been arguing more than usual ever since this whole operation started.

I drop the fight then, not wanting Tyler to think this operation is bad for me. I'm sure Niall and Liam have already talked to him and if I give him even one reason to end it, he'll do it.

"Everything okay in here boys?" Tyler asks, scratching the scruff on his chin as he takes a seat on the couch that Niall and I were seated at only moments before.

"Yep," I answer before Niall can speak a single word.

Liam looks at Niall, trying to figure out what had been happening. Niall just keeps his eyes to the ground. Tyler watches me carefully obviously not believing a word I say.

"Let's hear this song you guys have been working on then!" Zayn asks, excitedly. He doesn't care about the fight that was happening. He's just as curious as the others to see if Olivia's having an impact on my writing mojo.

"Harry wrote this all himself, I only helped with a bit of the instrumentals," Niall explains, giving me all the credit. I bite the inside of my cheek, a little nervous now.

I take a seat on the stool beside Niall's, where he picks up his guitar and takes a seat. He starts strumming the beginning chords and I start to sing for everyone, in hopes that this will meet their expectations.

There's something in your eyes
Is everything alright?
You look up to the sky
You long for something more, Darlin'
Give me your right hand
I think I understand, follow me
And you will never have to wish again

I know that after tonight
You don't have to look up
At the stars no no no no
And I know by the end of tonight
You don't have to look up at the stars
And I know if the love is alright
You don't have to look up
At the stars no no no no
I know by the end of tonight
You don't have to look up at the stars
No no no no no no no no no

Tell me how you feel
And if I'm getting near
I'll tell you where to steer
You tell me where to steer, D-D-D-Darlin'
Way above the clouds
And high above the stars
Through the unknown black holes
No one knows where we are
But we'll return to earth
And do it all over again

Cause I know that after tonight
You don't have to look up
At the stars no no no no
And I know by the end of tonight
You don't have to look up at the stars
And I know if the love is alright
You don't have to look up
At the stars no no no no
I know by the end of tonight
You don't have to look up at the stars

Now come away with me
Come fly away with me
Just for one night
Noone will ever know
No no no, Darlin'
I will leave you satisfied
Forever past time
You don't have to hide
Your free to fly

I know that after tonight
You don't have to look up
At the stars no no no no
And I know by the end of tonight
You don't have to look up at the stars

And I know if the love is alright
You don't have to look up
At the stars no no no no
I know by the end of tonight
You don't have to look up at the stars

Said I know that after tonight
You don't have to look up
At the stars no no no no
And I know by the end of tonight
You don't have to look up at the stars
And I know if the love is alright
You don't have to look up
At the stars no no no no
I know by the end of tonight
You'll be looking down upon them
From heaven yeah yeah
Oh no no, oh na na na na na na
Yeah yeah ooh na na na-oh

I look up at the small audience before me as Niall strums the final chord. At first nobody says anything. It's pure silence. Finally Lou is the first one to speak,

"His mojo is back!" He cheers and hops up from the couch to wrap his arms around me.

The rest of the guys cheer loudly and clap me on the back. They all try to talk over each other with words of encouragement directed towards me. Tyler just stands up and flashes me a proud smile before patting me on the head.

"Keep up the good work, kid," He tells me before heading out of the studio.

I can't help but to smile back at the others. Even Niall continues to smile at me. I refrain from sending him another glare to wipe that smug look off his face.

It feels great to be back!


Author's Note!

Hey guys, the songs featured in this chapter are 'You and Me' by Penny and the Quarters. It's a lovely song and I'll put it on the side over there (In the next chapter) ----> and the other song is 'After Tonight' by one of my favorite singers ever, Justin Nozuka! :) That song will be making a return so it'll be on the side of another chapter, but if you don't know it, I suggest you give it a listen! It's aaaamazing<3

Also, I'd like to make a small plug about my other BRAND NEW One Direction Fan-Fiction I'm writing! It's called 'Rule Breakers' and it's a Louis romance! Eventually, I'd like to do a love story for every guy! :) If you're enjoying this story, I hope you check that one out as well!

And my last, most important note is that I need your help!! My friends and I are entering a Perez Hilton cover competition, and we need more views/votes/comments! So, I have the video on the side over there -------> and if you could click on it and leave a comment? That'd be AMAZAYN! :) We NEED to have an actual Directioner win this thing, not just any ol' person;) haha

Thanks for all the comments! I love reading them! :)

- Never_Let_Me_Go

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