Pages Of The Past-I

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Sharon stirred in sleep and  slowly opened her eyes to find herself in the hospital room. Just seeing the ceiling the first thought that came to her mind was of her child. She turned sideways to look at her daughter's cot when she saw Swayam sitting beside it playing and making cute faces at their daughter. She smiled seeing the view. She would never tell him that she always wanted to give him a daughter as their first child because he had mentioned it once to her even before she was pregnant. 

"Swayam!" She called him softly.

Swayam looked up and got up to go to her but something blocked him. He casted his eyes down to see his daughter holding his finger. He sat down again and tried to free his finger from his hold slowly.

"Sharon, you know for a little girl like her, she has a pretty strong hold." Swayam said astonished, as he struggled. He couldn't believe a small child like her can have so much of strength. Sharon pursed her lips to hold back her laughter, but the expressions Swayam was coming up with was making it difficult for her to do that. 

"Sharon!" He looked at her helplessly and she laughed out loud. It was after two minutes that his princess loosened her hold on his father's fingers and he walked up to Sharon with their baby's cot.

"My girl is strong you know!" He said and Sharon giggled throwing her arms around him and keeping her head on her shoulders. In a way it felt weird for a moment to Swayam to not watch her with with her baby bump.  He chuckled at his own stupid thought and hugged her lovingly, as he hadn't hugged her in months.

"What are we going to name her Swayam?" Sharon asked as they both watched their baby sleeping together.

"You must have thought of a name, Sharon." He said tightening his grip around her. 

"Only that I want you to name her." Sharon said looking at him lovingly.

"Sharon? Come on she is our first child and you are her mother!" 

"And she is YOUR princess!" 

"Sharon. . ." Swayam would have argued but Sharon stopped him keeping her hand on his mouth. As they looked at each other, the undiscussed suppressed pain swam in Sharon's eyes. 

"I kept you away from me, from her  when you wanted to be with us the most. . .I cannot bring that time back Swayam so accept it as my way of saying sorry to you. My way of making things up right."

Swayam's eyes glistened and Sharon dropped tears out of her eyes as he hugged her tightly mumbling "You don't have to Sharon. . .It wasn't your fault."

"But it wasn't yours too." Sharon said as her voice choked.

"And I know you must have thought of a beautiful name for our lil princess. . .So come on name this little angel." Sharon said wiping tears from his face. 

"Saira. . .Saira Shekhawat." Swayam told her scanning her face for her reaction.

"It means beautiful, happiness and well. . .Princess"  Swayam said smiling sheepishly anticipating her say something.

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