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Sharon was driving towards the hospital, she wanted to reach hospital as early as she can, but the city traffic was doing no good to her. This was the fourth signal where she had to stop her car. She was busy in cursing the traffic when suddenly her eyes fell on a car on the other end of the road which looked like Swayam's . "But Swayam must be in the office." Sharon thought to herself and was just about to turn away when the door of the cafe opened and Swayam came out with a girl. They stopped in front of the car and talked for a few seconds. He hugged her and then escorted her to her car waving a good bye. Sharon frowned seeing both of them. It felt odd to her because she had always seen him talking to girls at one arm distance, let alone acquaintances he was like that with his best girlfriend too. And the weirdest thing was she didn't know this girl. But before any stupid thought crossed her mind the signal went green and reluctantly she drove off.     


Sharon had come a long way as a person. Looking back at herself now she realizes how difficult she must have been at times for Swayam. With the heaps of her own insecurities and fears, no other guy could have managed to be as patient as Swayam was and love her like the way he did and still does. She had mellowed down a lot compared to her old self, with Swayam beside her, with his unconditional love, his patience, with the stability of life, her fiery nature had subdued. But it would be wrong to conclude it wasn't there. On the professional front she was still as fiery as ever. She was not that insecure now as she has been five to seven years back but there was still a part within her which was as vulnerable as ever, a part which was still scared of one thing and that was losing Swayam. In these few years he had become the center of her existence. Her world revolved around Swayam and the thought of him drifting away from her for any reason was enough to ring the alarms.                      

By the time Sharon reached hospital she had put off her thinking cap giving rest to all questions arising in her mind because she knew it was utterly stupid to think about Swayam in any wrong way. In the time period of their knowing each other there wasn't a single thing that Sharon didn't know about Swayam. So, she was sure he would tell her on his own. 
Right now her mind was filled with just one thing and that was what the doctor was going to tell her. She entered the cabin and found the lady sitting on a chair working on the laptop.

 "Hey Sharon! How have you been dear?" 

"Not really well Sarah!" Sharon said as she sat down on the chair. 

"Whatever you said about me. . . Is it true?" Sharon asked impatiently.

 "Well we have to check you for that. Don't worry Sharon whatever the result is I am sure you are going to accept it well." Sarah said softly and Sharon nodded. 


Sharon, to be frank, was scared. She was playing with the thumbs of her hand trying to control the rising anxiety within her chest. Wait was something she hated to do but she didn't have a choice but to sit there and hear the clicking sound of the clock counting seconds. Swayam's face was flashing in her mind every now and then. 

 He still had no idea about anything. What if everything she had been thinking through actually comes true? 


 Her chains of thoughts were broken by Sarah's voice. Her heart was thudding inside her chest. She looked at Sarah and no words were needed, she knew it was true. 

A tear rolled down her eye, there was no running away now, she would have to tell Swayam. 


 Swayam was giving dictation to his secretary when his cell phone rang. 
Without seeing the number Swayam picked it up and replied, 


 "Hi Handsome!" A voice came from over the phone which made Swayam smile as soon as he heard it. He signaled Pia, his secretary to leave and as told she picked up her things and left. 

"Hello Beautiful." Swayam replied in a flirtatious tone. 

"I hope I haven't disturbed you with your work."
"Oh If this is what disturbance I don't think I want to work now."

 "Is it so?" 

"Have a Doubt?" 

"Maybe . . . You never know"

 "Ahann. . . Well what can I do to clear your thought process?" Swayam smirked. 

"What are you doing tonight?" 

"Let me see. . . I guess I am making love to you." Swayam said in a seductive tone. 

"What???? Swayaaammm. . ." Sharon shouted over phone and Swayam laughed out loudly. 

"Really Swayam? Will you agree to make love to any such random girl who calls you like this?" Sharon yelled in mock anger. 

"Oh. . . You don't me want me to do that? What do you want. . . Should I make love to you?" Swayam sneered evil. 

Sharon reddened sitting in her bedroom and he could feel her going red in face. 

"Swayam. . . You are such an animal" Sharon said hiding her embarrassment.

 "Yes you tell me every time I . . ." 
Swayam was cut off with Sharon's total embarrassed voice. 

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" 

Swayam laughed uncontrollably . . . he so adored this woman. 

"I so love you Sharon! Mmmuuuahh!"

Swayam kissed the receiver of his phone as if it will carry his kiss to her. He can forget being many things but forgetting to be a Lover Boy was difficult. Really difficult. 

"Duffer. I love you too." Sharon said and heard Swayam sigh. 

"Side effects of being a husband is you get to hear a curse in return for a kiss. What a wonderful life." Swayam said teasing her. 

"Are you done with your melodrama?" Sharon asked rolling her eyes to which he chuckled. 

"Swayam. . . When are you going to come home?"

"Wow. . . Missing me already? Don't be so impatient. . . Night is yet to come" Swayam said grinning. 

"Swayam. . . Telll na!" Sharon said cutely.

 "Ohk. . . I think I should be home by eight." Swayam said checking his watch. 

"Okay. . . I will be waiting."

 "Ofcourse. . . But I hear something different in your voice." Swayam said trying to figure what is it. 

"Because there is something different. . . Just come home soon please. I can't wait to see you now." Sharon said with longing in her voice which made Swayam smile.

 "Okay!" He replied and cut the call. 

Something in her voice told him that he really needed to reach home soon today. But for that he needed to complete his day's work. . . With this thought he got back to work burying himself in the tension of work. 


"Just not yet Swayam! Just not yet!" Sharon looked at her phone and sighed.

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