Take Me Home

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Swayam lay on his bed, his mind replaying the images of whatever happened in clinic over and over again. His baby. He couldn't even imagine what it would actually be like to feel him or her. He wondered how Sharon felt nourishing the child inside. A tear slipped from the corner of his eyes.

"You're so emotional seeing this Swayam. I can't imagine how you didn't come after I gave Sharon the pictures of your baby because that is what my original intention was to give her those photos." Sarah's words had jabbed his heart.  Sharon never told him about the pictures. She never told him about his own child. The thought choked him from inside and he couldn't control himself. He let the tears flow down and he cried. He cried because he thought he would lose Sharon forever and felt so helpless. He felt himself so tempted to go to Sharon and tell everything so that everything in his life can get back on track, so that he can make memories with his child but he knew he could not become so selfish, not right now. He wish he knew how Sharon would react to the whole truth but he didn't.

All the faith that was restoring inside him all this while that Sharon had somewhere in her heart started to believe in him again, all the moments when he felt like everything will be alright soon, everything just vanished with Sarah's mere one information. Maybe all the time when he thought distance was lessening between him and Sharon, maybe he was just fooling himself. Maybe it was just an illusion and nothing of that sort ever happened. Maybe they were still on square one and maybe Sharon would still leave him. The mere thought suffocated him and he closed his eyes to let his tears just fall out.


 "Because I don't know how much time I have with you."

Sharon sat on her bed thinking about Swayam's words. She couldn't decipher why he said that. Or maybe she did, she just didn't want to admit it. She has seen the hurt in his eyes and somewhere she felt guilty for hiding everything from him and she hated herself for that. Even he was hiding things all along and still doing and doesn't feel guilty about it then why is she feeling so? Even he hurt her by not telling her important things but yet he goes on doing that then why? Why was it hurting so bad? But she knew the answer already.

She loved him too much to see him hurt. But suddenly the truth didn't help her any well. Because it created another question in her mind. 

Does it hurt him this way too?


Next morning, Sharon was sitting on the breakfast table as Stephie talked to her about the new violin she had bought from her salaries, while serving breakfast. She was trying to concentrate on Stephie but her eyes just went repeatedly to the locked room where Swayam slept. She sighed when Gautam caressed her head lovingly and she looked up and passed him a weak smile.

"Good Morning Mr. Raiprakash!" Stephie chirped happily seeing him.

"Good Morning Stephie!" Gautam replied her happily and she smiled back.

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