Chasing Lights

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Muffled voices were travelling through her ears but her head couldn't register anything, she felt like she was in some dreamland  but the voices started to get more clear and she realized someone was calling her name.


Swayam. It was Swayam's voice. She slowly opened her eyes to find Swayam watching her with worry. It took her another moment before she could realize she was lying on a bed and it wasn't her bedroom rather the room had a pungent smell of medicines.

"Sharon, are you okay?" Swayam's voice caught her attention again and this time she tried to get up as he helped her.

"Feeling Good Sharon?" Sarah came into her view and it was then that she recognized she was in her clinic.

"Yeah!" She answered as her mind started reeling her last thoughts, flashbacks from the earlier day crossed her mind and involuntarily she gripped Swayam's hands tighter and he held her close.

"Sarah, what had happened? Why did she faint like that?" Swayam asked.

"As I said Swayam, nothing to worry her blood pressure level dropped. Are you stressed about anything Sharon?" Sarah asked adjusting her spectacles.

"What? No! No! I am absolutely fine." She said motioning her eyes at Swayam's face that held suddenly an unsure and uncomfortable look in his eyes.

"Oh! Then it's fine. No big deal." Sarah smiled as Swayam followed her leaving Stephie beside her.

"You took his breath away!" She remarked stating about Swayam and Sharon smiled listening to it.

She hadn't lied. She was less stressed more confused. It was her confusion that was eating her up.


Swayam was driving the car back to their home while Sharon sat beside him lost in her own world and Stephie took a nap in the backseat. He glanced at Sharon but didn't disturb her seeing the look on her face.

Sharon was replacing so many things in her mind that she had no conscious of her surroundings. She was trying to connect things, she was trying to find one single clue.

Amaira Mehta- as Stephie told her, she had seen her for the first time with Swayam outside a caf, a meeting about which Swayam never mentioned later and even she had dismissed it as an unimportant event but she had created havoc in her life with her mere pictures in Swayam's arms, it was something which still made her uncomfortable to think of. Her mystery had deepened with the phone call of that doctor on Swayam's cell, he had mentioned Amaira  but the more disturbing thing was Swayam had asked him to not share any information about her with anyone else, it suffocated her to think of how Swayam had shouted on her that night. The images hurt her and she tried to dismiss them out of her head right now. She tried to look at the bigger picture lying in front of her eyes, there were two things that were clear now that the girl in those pictures and Amaira were not different persons. They were one and that she was connected to Swayam in some way.

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