Moments Redefining Love

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When you feel you are trying to hold your world in a fist but that just keeps slipping away slowly from your hands, like watching a wave crush your sand castle and you could nothing about it but just stand and stare, that is what Sharon felt like at the moment. Swayam's yells were echoing in her head. She wanted them to stop but they just grew louder and louder till the point came when she screamed like a maniac as tears came out of her eyes. She knocked the lamp kept beside her as the room became dark.

"Sharon" Swayam voice entered the room; opening the lights he saw the shards of glass scattered everywhere and the metal piece lying at a corner still dwindling. He rushed towards Sharon and saw her hands bleeding. His mind was shut at the thoughts but somehow his subconscious mind knew he had to do something. He ran towards the closet and pulled out the first aid box. Taking out cotton; he started aiding her bleeding hand and she just watched him with her eyes pooling tears. He looked up at her for a second and she saw pearls threatening to fall down. No matter how much she ignored, how much she denied, the truth was he was her everything. He was her world, the sole reason why she exists, why she lived. Without him there was emptiness, a hollow which cannot be filled by anything else but him and to her it seemed like he was going away. Away from her reach.

"Swa. . .yam!" His name came out of her mouth and just as he looked up she threw herself in his arms clinging on to him, as her cries grew louder. 

Swayam hugged her tightly in an attempt to give a rest to all her fears, all the doubts of her mind. He knew she was scared. He always knew what he meant to her but the extent of it was something he had recently known. She loved him more than he ever thought about. She needed him at the moment more than she ever had. She needed him to tell her that he was with her for the rest of his life and there was nothing in this world that can keep him apart for long. 

"I am sorry Sharon. I am sorry. I shouldn't have shouted on you like that. It was my fault. I am sorry. Please stop crying I am here baby." He kept whispering in her ears slowly as she wet his Tee and he didn't stop till he felt her hiccups subside and her breath became steady.

She came out of his hug and looked at him. She knew this man sitting in front of him. She knew at least in the moment he loved her like he always had.

"Swayam. . . Please. ." Sharon tried to talk but was cut off tenderly by Swayam. He held her hands in his and said,

"Sharon, please if you cannot trust me please do not ask questions, I would not be able to give you answers. I would do that myself when I feel the time is right. Please stop stressing yourself. I know you have too many questions. I am keeping too much from you but please Sharon I am not going anywhere. I know after whatever you have seen, whatever you have heard it must feel like a joke to you but trust the man you chose to spend your life with, the guy whom you call the man of his words' and if even all this does not make you feel better, I must tell you that my princess doesn't like you weeping so much. She gets hurt." Swayam said trying to make her smile and he wasn't sure if he was imagining or did it actually happen but he saw a faint trace of smile on her face.

"Now sleep Sharon. It's been too late." He said softly and she nodded wiping the tears from her face as he watched her silently. Only he knew how content he was feeling right now. She lied down and closed her eyes and he sat beside her till he felt she was asleep. Watching her sleep was one of the best things of his life and it felt like ages that he had done that. After a long time he had a just not normal but a conversation with her, for the first time since that incident, probably after two months. And she hadn't corrected him when he used the term 'My Princess'. He leaned down and kissed her forehead tenderly. He loved him; he truly did, only if she believed him.


There wasn't any drastic change between Swayam and Sharon after that night. They still talked very less. But Sharon hadn't mentioned Amaira since then. It wasn't like she had stopped bothering her or she didn't care but Swayam's words from that night came back always and they gave her a hope that maybe she was just a girl who needed medical attention but there were too many whys and there was a memory of stack of photos which she wanted to erase from their being. 

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