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Swayam entered the home nervously after bidding goodbye to Rey and found Sharon engrossed in deep thoughts.

"Damn You Rey!" Swayam cursed him under the breath for actually telling her about the company. Sharon was the M.D. in the company and handled her work to perfection. But since she got pregnant Swayam asked her to take maternal leave and took all the duties of Sharon under himself. But he had been way too distracted in these months to be able to concentrate on everything properly. How much he tried his personal life was affecting his professional life and it had led to the disastrous decision of him which made the company run into loss. He looked at Sharon and tried to study her face but she looked way disturbed. He gulped thinking it was best if he actually get out of her sight before she can ask any question. So he tried to sneak slowly but Sharon's voice made him stunned.

"Swayam!" He gulped hard. Sending a prayer to God he turned around not knowing how he was going to face her backlash.

"Sharon listen I totally . . .You. . ." Swayam started to blabber when she cut her off softly.

"You have left the door open." Sharon said and he looked at her confused and then slowly turned around to see the front door open. He looked back at her shocked as she made her way to she backyard.

Did it really happen? Did Sharon not shout on him for his carelessness? How was he supposed to take this? His mind uttered confusion to which he had no answer.


"Please tell me those photos. . .that girl. . . everything is a lie please"

"Its not. . . Its not a lie! But there's more to it. . ."

"Sharon, please if you cannot trust me please do not ask questions, I would not be able to give you answers. I would do that myself when I feel the time is right."

The words were ringing in Sharon's head. There was so much to think about. There was something that even Rey knew but Swayam wasn't ready to tell her. The whole conversation that she had overheard between Swayam and Rey was replaying in her head and she could do nothing but to give a second thought to everything that has between Swayam and her.

Should she trust Swayam's words? After all he was getting hurt too. How come she never saw how badly Swayam was hurt. Or was it that she did see but chose to ignore? But those pictures. . .

Do not trust your eyes always Shar. What you see is not necessarily the whole truth always."

Rey's words rang in her ears. Whole truth! Did she even know the half of it?

She looked towards her home and saw Swayam talking to someone over phone.

Why and when everything in her life became so complicated? She sighed and looked over to the sky watching the sun finally set slowly for the day. The red color scattered all over the heaven like a hug with a promise to the blues that they would meet tomorrow because some things are constant for good.

Was Swayam one of them?

You think he isn't? Her heart questioned and before her mind could argue it shut him up.


Swayam was making coffee for himself after an intense workout when suddenly he had an urge on checking up Sharon. He knew she must be asleep but then it was the only time he could actually watch her with full peace. He slowly opened the door of the room but to his surprise found the bed vacant. He frowned and hesitantly knocked on the door. But there was no response. He slowly entered the room to find it empty.

"Sharon?" He called out but was greeted with a voice, Sharon's voice and it told him she wasn't well.

He immediately turned around and knocked on the bathroom from where the voice had come

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