"Don't give me that crap." She sneered.She was growing impatient and irritated and he liked that.Pissing everyone and everything off was fun!

"Well ,love.If my dearest desires to know then I will tell you." He caressed her neck where some blood trickled and trailed his tongue along it in a sensual manner.

She scowled and bit her lip.She wasn't in the mood to be teased but of course Ferid understood that and chose to tease her anyway.Cause that's what friends do!

"I am plotting against her..." He dragged his tongue back to her wound and bit again.She could feel the blood being drained and regenerated.Once his finished  his second serving he spoke again.

"...and I won't be having anything to do with the Hyakuya's.They aren't part of my plans."
It was hard to tell whether he was lying or not at the moment.He showed only interest in blood.Clever,blood will distract him and hide all signs of lying or even telling the truth.

In this situation;she didn't know what to do.Believe him or not?

"Ferid...whatever you do...just please don't get yourself hurt or killed." She gently removed his hands from pinning her as he was taken back by her statement.Of course,her blush was very noticable and she felt like she was drunk.

She wasn't sure whether he was lying or not but she didn't bother prying.It's no use digging information out of him.
She hugged him instead and buried her face in his chest.

"I'm not underestimating you or anything.I know how intelligent and strategic you are but still.You're messing with fire.I don't want anything bad to happen to you.If you ever need an extra pawn...I'll play your game.I know I'm basically as-

He stopped her rant by placing his lips on hers.Her eyes widened and another blush made it's way onto her cheeks.She was shocked.Beyond shocked.


For once,he smiled.A genuine smile.A smile he'd hardly display. His mood switches 'weee!' confusing the living daylights out of her.

"You're far too useful to be one of my pawns, darling." He muttered.How in the hell did she come to grow attached to a pile of shit?She always asked herself.

She was still speechless and confused.

"You and Crowley are so amusing~Don't worry my love.I'd never use you as a sacrifice. neither do I plan on dying.I know you wouldn't let me die anyways so,you can put your mind at ease."

"W-why did you kiss me?" She asked ignoring his words.

"I know you like kisses when you're frustrated.I've realised that a while back.You like affection when you're stressed because it was something your parents never gave you .They never consoled you and weren't there for you.You were a lonely and despised little lamb."

She stood quietly.

"So..then why would you?Why would you care?Why give me the affection I never received?"

"Because.You,my love,you are more than a bloodbag.I saved you from that fire for a reason and from that day you made me feel more than just amusement and boredom.I felt  that I would actually care if you were to die.I don't know why I care but I do.The reason for the affection is just because I feel like doing so.There's nothing much to it."

Honesyly,it felt as if he was just confusing her even more.He liked to play too much.

She decided that she's had enough of his mind games for one day and let him go.

"I'm heading out now." She said ,finally.He surely frustrated her and pissed her off.

He pouted but realised his work still wasn't completed.

(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Where stories live. Discover now