Harry was speechless, he remembered what happened the last time Louis was drunk, a shiver went through his spine, he didn't want to ruin his friendship again. Just when he was about to pull out, he felt moisture on his chest. Was Louis crying?

"Lou? What happened? Are you alright?" 

"No...but please stay like this for a while...Don't go away from me..." Louis said, hiding sobs.

"I am not...shhh....it's okay...I am right here." Harry said, all puzzled about what was happening, while rubbing Louis' back softly.

"You are so comforting Harry....let's stay like this for the rest of our lives please..." Louis said in his drunk voice, making Harry's heart run a marathon. Harry rested his chin on Louis' shoulder, as he smiled. Louis was right, he can stay like this for the rest of his life. It was so comforting that Harry forget about everything else happening around him. It was just Louis and him, right in that moment. Harry felt the warmth, the love, the caring and the desire in Louis' touch that he'd been longing for so long. 

"JODER!! WHAT THE HELL'S HAPPENING HERE?" Criston screamed in his Spanish accent, which Harry once thought was hot, but now he is just annoyed by it, his mind, brain everything groans whenever he hear this. The scream was so aggressive that it made Louis and Harry pull out.

"Oh....Crrriston is here also....you are his "boyfriend" are you? Bitch?" Louis said, slightly laughing and trying to stand straight. 

"Hijo de puta! Are you trying to steal him form me!?" Criston screamed and rushed towards them, and before Harry could realise what's happening, Criston punched Louis on his face, making him fall to the other sire of room, his head probably banged in the table as Harry heard a painful cry.

"You little twat!" Harry spoke, as he did something he had never even thought of doing.  

 He pulled Criston closer to him with his collar and punched him hard enough to make him fall down. He then rushed towards Louis, to help him stand up. 

"Jesus, you are bleeding...I am sorry....I am so sorry...Lou..." Harry said as he noticed blood coming out Louis' forehead.

"I am fine...it's alright....I can't even feel it...." Louis said, 

"That's because you are drunk..." 

"Yeah...it's definitely gonna hurt tomorrow.." Louis said as Harry helped him lie down on couch.

"It's going to be fine....I will be back in a minute..you keep holding your head okay? Don't let it bleed." Harry said, as he approached Criston who was trying to get up.

"You.....I tried my best to be nice with you..but a jerk ass like you just doesn't deserve it!" Harry said,

"You and your little bitch are going to pay for this..." Criston said as he came closer to Harry, to him. Fortunately he missed him. Harry was now breathing fire, it was enough now. He couldn't tolerate his shit anymore. Harry moved towards him and held him up to the wall with his neck. Harry looked right in his eyes, with his raging one's, as Criston tried to break loose.

"Now listen to me carefully, I will let go if you take you stupid ass out of my house right now and never show your filthy face ever again. Don't ever come near me or him and we'll be good. Okay?"

Criston nodded reluctantly. Harry freed him from his grip as he fell down panting and coughing. 

"Now get the fuck out of here and don't make me call the security." Harry said.

"You are a fucking cunt! Asshole!" 


"I said don't move...let me clean the wound at least..." Harry said as he struggled through Louis' constant movements.

"Did you kick his ass off? And did you break up with him?" Louis asked, laughing.

"Yes...I did...will you please sit still?"

"But I need to talk to you...it's very important." Louis said,

"Okay...but first let me put medicine here Lou, otherwise it'll hurt more tomorrow." Harry said, "Please?" 

"Fine....then....do it fast...." Louis said. Harry knew how he was controlling himself from kissing Louis. He was so irresistible with his drunk sexy voice.

"Now..hold still okay? I will just put bandage on it..." Harry said softly, "How are you feeling now?"

"I feeling like wooo hoooo wooo hooo wooo" Louis said, making Harry laugh.

"Honestly? How much did you drink?" 

"I can't even remember...." Louis said and started laughing.

"We will talk in the morning okay? You need rest." Harry said, "I will ask Bill to get a room ready for you." 

"No...Harry....don't go please...I need to tell you something very important."  Louis said as he  struggled to stand straight.

"You can talk while sitting you know?" Harry said steadying him.

"You keep shhh and keep sitting there....and look at me while I talk.." Louis said making Harry look up at him.

Louis steadied himself, took a deep breath and the pulled out a red rose from inside of his jacket.




"Harry, I have never.... lost my way, but..... my mind, my heart goes blank.... when I think of you...whenever you hold my hand,.... it seems to ...to....perfectly fit like....like puzzle pieces, ad..I...I feel like the..luckiest...man.... I didn't say it before because I didn't of you feel the same..but now...now I..I know...." Louis said, floundering through his words, as he pulled out his pen, making Harry gasp and stand up, with his eyes wide open.

"W-Where...Where did you g-get tha..."

"Shh....let me finish..." Louis said, and took Harry's hand in his.

"...now I know..and I don't want us to waste another moment...this is it...it's just you and I..."

Harry couldn't say anything, before he could, Louis stood on his toes to reach Harry's lips, wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and placed a soft kiss on his lips while Harry's hands were cupping Louis. 



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