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(Cammie's POV)

I woke up to the sun shining down on the tent. I looked to my right and saw Mel looking as beautiful always. I sat up and crawled out of the tent. I went back to the car and grabbed the things I bought to start a fire, plus a pan and walked back to the tent. In front of the blanket outside, I set the stones in a circle and placed sticks and paper in the center, and threw a match in it. I grabbed the second basket and started cooking everything for breakfast. I hear noises coming from the tent, but continue cooking. A few seconds later, I feel a pair of arms snake around me and Mel saying "Something smells delicious, babe." "I cooked breakfast for us, my love," I told her. She thanked me with a kiss on the cheek. After I finished cooked breakfast, we sat down and ate. To be honest, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was absolutely stunning. Her body was perfect in my eyes, her beautiful blue eyes really complimented her skin tone and her dark brown hair is long and beautiful. It gets tangles easily and she has a hard time brushing all the way down it, but it's still beautiful. "What are you staring at," she asks chewing the food still in her mouth. I smiled and said, "How beautiful you are." She blushed and kissed me. Once we were done with breakfast, I picked Mel up and threw her in the water. She screamed and started splashing me and splashed her back. We fooled around in the water for a while, laughing and fooling around until we were too exhausted to do anything. So, we got out of the water, packed our stuff and headed back to the house.

When we got to the house, Mel went to take a shower and I went to throw our clothes in the washer. I stripped off my bra and underwear and threw them in the washer as well and I went upstairs to join Mel. I head up to our room and hear the shower run. I knock lightly on the bathroom door and when I hear a soft come in I open the door. I step behind Mel and let the water run down my back. Mel turned around to face me, and I don't know what came over me but I kissed her, but it wasn't the normal passionate kiss we always do. It was full of lust and hunger. I let my hands roam up and down her body slowly while she latched on to the back of my neck. "If at any point you want me to stop, just say so my love. I don't want to hurt you," I told her as I was going down to kiss her neck. I paused and looked up at her waiting for confirmation to continue, she hesitantly nodded. I started kissing her neck until I found her sweet spot. Once I found it, she moaned, and I started sucking on it, leaving a hickey. I noticed her breathing get heavier, she was gasping for air, I stopped what I was doing when Mel screamed stop and pushed me to the ground. She dropped to her knees and backed away in the corner and cried I moved closer to her slowly.

Once I was next to Mel, I gently wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she practically jumped on my lap and cried on my shoulder. I ran my hand down the back of her head and tried to calm her down. Eventually, she fell asleep, so I carried her out of the shower, dried her off and put a bra and underwear on her. then I took her laid her on the bed and hopped back in the shower. I took my time washing my hair and body, I feel so guilty for what happened. I know what she has been through, but I still pushed her. I punched the wall in the shower repeatedly, angry at myself for being so stupid. I couldn't stop, I just kept punching and punching, until my blood dripped down the shower wall. I stopped when I felt a arms wrap around my upper body, pull me back from the wall and set me on the floor. Mel sat next to me and I leaned my head on her shoulder. We sat in silence until I spoke up, "You know, I just dried you off a few minutes ago and now you are all wet again." She giggled and I smiled. "I don't mind getting wet again if it means I can stop you from hurting yourself," she looked at me. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong," she asked me. "I'm sorry for pushing you too far, I didn't mean to," I cried on her shoulder. "I know you didn't. It's ok. I didn't stop you, so you couldn't have known when to stop," she comforted me. I just nodded. Eventually, we got off the floor of the shower, dried off, and decided to take a nap, since it was only two in the afternoon. Mel fell asleep with her head on my chest, and I was just laying on my back, running my hand through her hair, until I drift off to sleep.

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