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(Melissa's POV)

I was angry with Cammie, after everything we have been through. Why did she tell me all of that, I don't understand? I didn't give her enough time to finish what she wanted to say before I started yelling. I saw her try to say something, but she couldn't for whatever reason. That made me even more angry, so I got up and left when I was walking out of the house I could hear her crying. I don't know where I am going but I just don't want to be around her right now. I just need some time to calm down, so now I'm just walking around the city. Sure, it's dangerous but I don't give a damn. I wonder if Cammie is ok, I know I shouldn't care, but I still love her. I look to my left and see that I am by the park where Cammie asked me to be her girlfriend. I walk to the tree we sat under on our date and smiled at the memory, I sat under the tree thinking about how tonight went down. Maybe I overreacted, I should have let her finish talking. I know that Cammie wouldn't do anything without a reason. After 30 minutes just sitting under the tree realizing how much of an idiot I was, I started walking back to the house.

Once I reached the house, I opened the door to be met with silence. I trudged up the stairs and slightly opened the door to Cammie's room. The sight in front of me broke my heart into pieces. Cammie was sitting in the corner with her arms wrapped around herself. Her eyes were shut tightly, and there were tear stains down her cheeks. She wasn't crying anymore but she had the hiccups, so she probably had just stopped. I pushed the door open a little more, her eyes flew open at the sound of the door, and she started sobbing again, trying to push her body into the corner even more. I slowly walked closer to her, not wanting her to be afraid of me even more than she already was. I held my hand out to her as a sign that I won't hurt her. She calmed down a little but not enough to speak to me. "I know you are having a hard time talking so I'm just going to ask yes or no questions. Just nod or shake your head, okay?" I said in a calm soft voice. She nodded, trying to calm herself down. "Can I carry you to the bed?" she shook her head. I will admit I was a little disappointed with her answer, but I knew that she feared me. "Can I sit next to you?" She just looked down for a few seconds, before slowly nodding. I moved a little closer to her, I saw her flinch and it broke my heart. I slowly sat down next to her, I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my lap and comfort her, but I didn't want her to pull away from me. I took a deep breath before asking the next question, knowing what her answer was going to be, "Can I... uh... Can I comfort you? I understand if y-." Before I could even finish my sentence, she was on my lap burying her head in my neck, crying again. I did this to her; how could I do this to her? She's such an amazing girl and she has saved my life, and I broke her. I rubbed her back and whispered that everything will be ok, and how sorry I was. I can't imagine how much she is hurting. "E-every th-thing was r-real. M-my l-l-love for you was, no i-is real." She stuttered out slowly. I knew that she had more to say, so I waited for her to continue. After a few minutes she calmed down enough to speak without stuttering, and she continued. "You were never just a mission to me. from the first moment I saw you, I knew that you were special and that I needed you in my life as more than just a mission. I loved you from the first moment I laid eyes on you, and I still love you. There was a reason for me telling you everything that I did." She looked up at me waiting for confirmation. "I didn't let you finish what you were saying because I was angry, so now I am going to let you tell me everything before I speak, okay." She nodded and continued. "I told you all of that because one the mission is complete the kid that was saved has to join the organization or else... they get killed in order to keep the secret" she took a deep breath. I was shocked, so If I don't join I die? Then she nodded. I guess I was thinking out loud. "I don't want you to join them, but it's up to you. If you don't want to then I will do whatever it takes to protect you. We can travel across the world on the run. I will follow you anywhere and everywhere you go. So just name a place in the world and we will go. I love you... I'm done now." I looked at her still in shock. She wanted to run away with me, and she said that she loved me, and she meant it. "I don't want to join them, I can't. I want to be with you though. I know that I hurt you tonight by walking away, but I wasn't thinking clearly. I was blinded by anger, but I really do love you, and never mean to hurt you." I gently pulled her into a passionate kiss, full of love. When we pulled apart, I brought her closer into my body and held her, for a while. I felt her breathing even out on my neck. I wrapped her arms around my neck and carried her to the bed.

I woke up early, but to be honest I didn't really sleep last night all I could think about is how broken she was last night. I wanted to get up and go get some breakfast for us, so I moved her arm off my waist, slowly got up, got dressed and walked to IHOP. I got a bunch of chocolate pancakes, regular pancakes, eggs both scrambled and over medium and crispy bacon. I started heading back to the house. Once I got back, I set the food on the kitchen counter, and I went up to Cammie's room to find her still sleeping and cuddling the pillow that my head was on. I went back downstairs took the food and put them on plates and put the plates on a tray before heading up the stairs, and to Cammie's room.

When I got to her room I saw she wasn't in the room, but I heard the shower running and singing coming from the bathroom. She has an amazing voice. I set the tray on the table next to the bed and just sat on the bed waiting for her while listening to her beautiful voice. I heard the shower turn off and the door open, Cammie walked out in nothing but a towel. I bit my lower lip, so hard I drew blood, to suppress a moan that wanted to escape my throat. Suddenly, she let her towel drop to the ground and the moan that I was trying to suppress exploded. Cammie let out a laugh and said seductively "Like what you see, babe?" I couldn't even speak, I was too busy scanning her body up and down, multiple times, so I just furiously nodded. She laughed again and got dressed. When I finally snapped out of the trance that her body out me in, I told her that I went out and bought breakfast for us and brought it up here. I opened my arms for her, and she brought her body into my arms. I moved the tray on to my legs and started feeding her and myself. Every time I brought the spoon up to her face she would giggle, which made my heart melt. We ate in silence apart from her adorable giggles. I broke the silence by saying in a serious tone. "Run away with me." I expected her to be shocked but I looked up at her to see her smiling, and she nodded.

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