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(Melissa's POV)

I woke up on the plane. Cammie was sleeping on my head. I wipe the drool off my chin and lift Cammie's head, so I can place it on my shoulder. I went on my phone for a while then the flight attendant came on and told us that the plane was landing. "Baby girl, the plane is landing. It's time to get to up." She groaned, lifted her head then dropped it back on to my shoulder. I started peppering her face and neck with kisses until she started giggling. She's so cute, I feel like I could explode from it. we got off the plane and headed out since we didn't have luggage.

The view when we got out of the airport was breathtakingly beautiful. I could spend the rest of my life here. Cammie spoke up "we could live here if you want, but I plan on taking you around the world." How did she know? Oh well, it doesn't matter. "I'll live anywhere as long as you are there," I said. She blushed and nodded. Cammie had a car waiting outside for us. Once we got in we drove to this beautiful house it wasn't a big house it was two floors and the basement. When we entered we were standing in the living room on the left and the dining room on the right. In the dining room, there was a door leading to the kitchen. Walking up the stairs, there were four bedrooms and two bathrooms. One of the bathrooms was in the hall and the other was in the master bedroom.

I walked into one of the guest bedrooms and laid down, Cammie walked in and looked at me like I was crazy "Um love that's not your room." She said laughing. "Oh, which one am I in?" I asked her. "Mine." She winked at me. "Unless you don't want to but that's fine. I never want you to feel obligated to do something." So is cute when she's flustered. I got up and walked to the other room without saying anything and laid down again. Once I saw Cammie walk in, I patted the spot next to me, and she laid down, cuddling into my side and nuzzling her head into my neck. I caressed the side of her face moving some of the hair behind her ear. "This is absolutely amazing, thank you for bringing me here. Actually, thank you for taking care of me and everything." I told her. I appreciate her. I'm forever grateful to her. She just smiled and kissed me on the check. We laid in bed for a while before my stomach started growing. I blushed while Cammie chuckled and said "Come on, I planned a date and no you don't need to change. You look beautiful in everything you wear." I smiled and followed her to the car.

We drove for a while before she parked. Cammie told me to go ahead and pick a spot on the beach while she grabbed some things from the car. I choose a spot that was right in front of the moon. I stripped down to my bra and underwear and sat on the sand waiting for Cammie. When I saw her, I waved signaling where I was. She walked over to me and started putting up a tent. After the tent was up, she set a blanket on the inside and outside of it and went back to the car. How does she think of these cute dates? She came back with two baskets and two lanterns. She set the lanterns in the middle and sat next to me. We opened the first baskets and took out the boxes of food. "you know, you always take me on a date. I'm going to start planning one to take you on." I told her. She laughed and said, "I'm happy spending anytime with you, but I'll take you up on that offer." I smiled. The rest of the night was spent with me laying in her arms, staring at the stars and telling each other secrets until we cuddled inside the tent and fell asleep.

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