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(Melissa's POV)

Today started off kind of shitty, I bumped into Cammie. She's gorgeous, tan skin, these stunning green eyes, and this kind of dirty blonde hair, I could stare at her all day. While I was talking to her Jenna shoved me back in to the wall. I was on the verge of tears when Cammie took me to the bathroom. We sat on the bathroom floor and I was sobbing into her chest. It felt so nice to be comforted by someone, to be held and told that everything was going to be alright, even though I knew that it wouldn't be. A few minutes later, I calmed down, and she asked if I wanted to skip school and go one of our houses, I practically begged her to go to her house. I knew that if we went to mine, my dad would beat the crap out of me for skipping school. I take that back, he'd beat the crap out of me for anything. Hell, he will even beat me for no reason.

So, we went back to her place. It was a pretty nice house. I looked around a little until I saw the kitchen. I was starving since my dad doesn't let me eat while I'm at home and he doesn't give me money for lunch either. After about a minute she walked in and asked if I was hungry. I guess she could tell that I was hungry because she made me two sandwiches. I am so grateful, you have no idea. I honestly think that I might have starved. After we ate, we laid together on the couch and watched a lot of movies. Mostly Disney movies but there were some others mixed in. once I checked the time I noticed it was 10:30 at night, an hour past my curfew. I freaked out and started shouted at her, begging her to drive me home. I felt so bad for shouting at her, but I needed to get home before I got in even more trouble. She seemed to remain calm even though I was yelling. She put her phone number in my phone and told me that if I needed anything to call or text her. I will definitely be needing it later, god knows what's going to happen tonight. She drove me to my personal hell. It was quiet while she drove. I was too busy staring out the window. Once we pulled up to the house, we saw my dad standing there, and she asked if I wanted to stay with her, concern flooded her voice. Why was she worried about me? I didn't understand. I told her that I would be fine and thanked her for a wonderful day.

I went inside, and my so-called father was right behind me. He slammed the door right behind him. "you're fucking late, slut." He is slurring his words. He's obviously drunk, I can smell it on him. Well actually the entire fucking house reeks of alcohol. I knew that the worst hasn't even begun yet. Maybe if I played it safe I could walk away with just a few bruises. I was slightly shaking out of fear when I said with a shaky voice "I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again." He slaps me across the face. "It better not, bitch. Who was the whore that dropped you off? I don't want you near her again!" he said growing louder and louder. I felt my blood begin to boil hearing him call Cammie a whore. I punched him in the jaw, "she's not a fucking whore, she has a name and it's Cammie!" I practically screamed at him. He didn't even move an inch after I punched him, he just laughed." you're going to regret that." I did end up regretting it. So much for playing it safe. He threw me to the ground and started throwing punches to my face left and right. After a few minutes, he got up and started kicking me in the stomach. I just laid there and took it because honestly, I didn't care, the thought of Cammie gave me the courage to stand up to my bastard of a father. I would take a beating for her any day. With one final kick to the stomach, I was down for the count.

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