Chapter 17

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After some years of dating, reconnecting, growing up with each other, Kousei proposed to Tsubaki.

Through Tsubaki, Kousei could escape the tortures of his past, they became distant memories because he no longer feared them, or himself.

Tsubaki wasn't the same girl she was, she was always so sure of herself now and knew she'd found the perfect team player at her side.

Together, they were happy and free


I stood in front of a tall mirror, straightening my navy blue tie to my black suit. My hair was perfect, my glasses shining, my suit ironed, and my shoes polished. I took a deep breath in, taking in my appearance, taking in the weight of the day.

My thoughts interrupted when Watari bursts through the door. "Kousei!! Come on, we gotta go, it's almost time!"

We walked towards the reception hall, my throat got dry, my hands started to shake.

We pushed in the heavy doors, making our way to the front of the hall. People filled the pews on either side. People from my past, those I've met over the years from school and competitions. Standing there was Takashi, his hair as tall and spiky as ever.

"Took you guys long enough" He stated with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just gonna blame good ol Kousei for this one." Watari laughed as he took his place next to Takeshi.

"Guys it's fine, we're just on time." I stood next to Watari as the bridal chorus began. All eyes turned to the back door, the one I was earlier rushing through. My mind was racing, how was my hair, was my tie straight, is this gonna make her happy?

First walked through was Kashiwagi, her hair curled, bangs still in her face, wearing a navy blue dress.

Following her was Tsubaki with her father. Her hair was half up, curled. She had a little bit of makeup on but she never needed it. Her dress gave her the perfect silhouette. She was breathtaking.

She was halfway down the aisle now and my cheeks already hurt from smiling in this short moment when I felt my cheek get wet, was I crying? I guess it took so much for me to get here, and I couldn't do it without Tsubaki.

She was up to the alter, her father put her hand in mine, with her other hand she put my hand on my cheek, lightly wiping away my tears as she smiled at me tenderly. In that moment it was just us.

"I love you Kousei" she said lightly when she pulled her hand away to resume the wedding.

The rest of the ceremony was a breeze, and we were wed. It felt like everything led up to this moment. Now I was complete, I grew up with the most perfect person who's supported me through everything, now she's my beautiful wife...


Thank you all for the support I received in writing this story, thanks for sticking through to the end, it only took me forever lol. There is a chance I'll write an interquel so you'll know what happened before the wedding, but no promises.

Love Rocky

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