Chapter 8

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It's time Tsubaki and I talked this through... But I'm really nervous because I don't even know what to say.

I know that we're both really confused as to what we are but I know I need her, and I know she wants me in her life.

We're still in the beginning stages of dating but we were pretty comfortable with each other. She got used to me holding her hand, and she wasn't as nervous. We both got over each others antics and randomness.


I waited for her outside of her house in the morning to walk to school. She walked out in our normal uniform, her hair as wild as ever, but it was perfect.

"Hey Kousei!!"

She ran over and grabbed my hand. "Hey Tsubaki" I said smiling at her. But this would be the moment we bring back the tension, we'd ignored this problem for what feels like forever. We walked over, my demeanor changing noticably, I don't know how she knew but she did.

"What's wrong Kousei?" She looked up at me with those beautiful, big, brown eyes filled with concern.

"I know we've avoided talking about this, and I've enjoyed every minute of being with you, but we have to talk about it."

She looked down at her feet, her grip beginning to loosen on my hand but still staying there. She looked back up, "I know we have to talk about it too, but can we just meet up after school, get some egg sandwiches and sit in the park, like old times?"

My face softened a bit and a small smile crept on my face, "Sure Tsubaki, I'd like that"

A minor amount of relief went through her and she squeezed my hand reassuringly. We continued on to school..


We split after school, her​ going to get lemonade and myself picking up the sandwiches. We met up at the park shortly after. And we just relaxed a moment.

I sighed, the tension growing between us. "So, Tsubaki." She looked up at me, a little fear in her eyes. "It's obvious, we're together." She nods slowly.

"We're exclusive right."

"Of course"

"How do you feel about Kaori?"

In that moment, the air left my lungs. To be honest I hadn't thought about her in a while, and that scared me. I didn't respond right away and Tsubaki started to tear up. "Tsubaki" I said softly, grasping her hand, she yanked it away from me. "Tsubaki, it's not what you think."

She couldn't hold it back anymore, her tears flowed down her cheeks, her face becoming slightly red. "What am I supposed to think Kousei?!" Her voice was breaking. "I can't compete with her, you'll always love her!" She sobbed into her hands.

I reached for her again, but she jerked her shoulder back. I grabbed both her shoulders forcing her to look at me. I ran my thumb over her cheeks, wiping her face dry. "I don't love Kaori, I love you." I kissed her, before she could do anything. She started to pull away but instead melted into it, into me.


"I don't love Kaori, I love you." He pulled me quickly into him, he kissed me. No, I didn't want this, he doesn't know what he's talking about he doesn't love me, maybe. Maybe he did, this is Kousei. He wouldn't say something like that lightly, that's how I know he meant it. As quickly as he did it, it ended, but it also felt like everything momentarily stopped. He pulled away slowly, my eyes opened and I looked deep into his eyes, looking expectantly at me.

"Woah" was all I could muster.

"Believe me now?" He half smiled at me, releasing my shoulders, pulling back. I didn't want to end, snapping out of my shock I kissed him back, no longer uncertain. He was mine and I was his, no doubt about it.

We enjoyed the rest of our small picnic in peace, a weight lifted, no longer hanging over us, we could be us again.

Getting Over Kaori MiyazonoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz