Chapter 10

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Naruto POV

The look on that banshees face was priceless. I probably broke 2 ribs trying to not laugh." What she just said and they say youre a smart kunoichi.Ha if i were you i wouldnt even call my self a kunoichi." Hinata said. "Ooooh i love a girl with sass." I said in my mi-oh no i said that outloud. I started to blush furiously. I blushed so bad it can beat my mothers hair color and can put hinata blushing into shame. Hinata was no different. "HAHAHAHHAHA YOU SHOULDVE SEEN YOUR FACES YOU GUYS ARE MY ONLY OTP.... HAHAHAH YOUR RELATIONSHIP NAME IS ....NARUHINA!!!"kura-chan said. Im suprised hinata didnt faint yet...oops spoke too soon but before she could fall i broke her fall. I picked her up bridal style and layed her next to me on the bed.

Author POV

Hinata woke up woke up too something warm next to her. She liked it so she snuggled more into it.  " Now too answer your question...well i am the kyubi and dont worry im not here to hurt...well most of you atleast..actually one of you.." kurama said but glared at the pink "kunoichi". "Kaka-baka thats what im gonna call you for now, i guess youre thinking..oh why is a demon here if shes not gonna kill you well the night of the kyubi attack i was controled by madara uchiha he used his sharingan and threatrned to kill my kit here...ill show all of you the complete scene another time with the hokage." Kurama said. While kaka-baka and the others nodded. "Okay well ill tell you why im here well third hokage called us here because he wants us to go on a mission all though we dont know why thats when we came to get naruto and you know the rest." "Ok im here im all better i can go now." The blob of sunshine said in his normal icy tone. Hinata woke up once she snuggled in deeper into naruto. She got up blushing after she heard naruto talk in his natural voice. "Oh youre awake how are you feeling..hina-c-chan." Naruto said while blushing. "Im f-fine h-how a-a-re y-y-you feeling?" Hinata said. "Awesome cause youre next to me." Naruto said in a nice calm sweet natural voice with a soft smile.

Hope you liked it ❤❤

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