25: A new experience

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I'm ready and packed for San Diego! This is going to be a very interesting experience. I'm sitting on my couch waiting for Selena to come, so we can catch our flight.

"Im here!" Selena chirps as she enters the house

"You ready?"

"Heck yah I am.. now let's go!"

My mom drives me and Selena to the airport.

"Be safe and call me if anything happens, I love you y/n" My mom says as she hugs me tight

"Love you too mom, I'll be sure to call you once I'm there"

Selena and I go inside the airport and do all the boring stuff and now we are on the flight to San Diego. I get the window seat while Selena is sitting in the middle next to me.

"Were going to be models ahhhh" Selena grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly

"I know this is going to be crazy, do you think that there will be male models there too?"

"Damm I hope so I'm trying to see some abs if you know what I'm saying" she winks at me

"Selena.. sweetie you gotta remember that you have a mans"

"Psh so? were taking a break"

"Mmmhmmm for sure"

I put on my headphones and stared out the window

Skip Forward

Me and Selena landed and we got our bags from baggage area. Once we got outside the airport we see a man holding a sign that had me and Selena's name.

"Y/f/l/n and Selena Jeffries?"

"Yes that would be us" I smiled

"Ill take your bags"

We hand him our bags and we hop into the car.


We get to the hotel and I have to say it's really nice! Very modern and it's in the suburbs area.

Selena and I go to our hotel room and I couldn't help but gawk over the room. It also comes with a connected living room. Plus theres an all you can eat buffet in the dinning hall AHHHHH.

We both settle in and I'm ready to sleep, so I just crash onto the bed and drifted away.



I wake up from my slumber to the sound of my alarm. I completely forgot I had that on. Doesn't matter, I need to get up and get ready for the workshop.

"Wake up selena we need to get ready"

"I don't want to..."

I hit her with the pillow

"OW OKAY OKAY IM UP" She gets out of the bed and goes into the restroom.

I go to the vanity and do my makeup and dress into this:

I go to the vanity and do my makeup and dress into this:

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Selena wore this outfit:

Me and selena ate at the buffet and the food was bomb

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Me and selena ate at the buffet and the food was bomb. After, we head out the door and meet up with our uber and went straight to the workshop.


At the workshop, there were a lot of girls and boys too mostly my age waiting in line for the workshop to start.

"Woah there is a lot more people here than I expected," I said to Selena

"Yea but did you see those cute guys by the doorway they were totally looking at us"

"I know right aha"

Selenas Pov

Y/n and I were waiting in this huge line for the workshops. So I guess y/n wasn't the only person to be selected after all.

I stared off into the distance until I saw a face that I recognized. He was tall, blonde and was holding hands with a girl who had tan skin and brown hair.

I've seen that couple before....wait.. is that.. Chase?!

WE REACHED 5K!!!! OH MY GOSH😭 I'm pretty sure you guys seen me say this but, thank you so much💕 you don't know how much this means to me because when I first started this book I was really anxious about publishing it because I really thought no one will read this book but now were half of 10 K reads😱 Just a few more chapters and sadly this book will be coming to an end. Ill promise to make these last chapters GOOD!! Love E♥️

Big things are happening

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