20:Oh what a lazy day

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I didn't even bother to wake up early. I mean its not like me and Chase are doing anything special today, i just want to stay in and eat junk food lmao.

I roll from my comfy bed to the cold floor, walking into my bathroom to take a nice warm shower.. Oo yess.

After I cleansed myself.. I throw on this:

I went downstairs because DAMN i was hungry!

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I went downstairs because DAMN i was hungry!

Hmm lets see here shall I have eggs or cereal? Nah Ill go with cereal Im too lazy to cook today.

I poured my favorite cereal into a bowl and poured sum milk on top of that, and boom! You got yourself sum breakfast.

I sit at the dining table and started scrolling through instagram until I started getting tons of notifications. Why are so many people tagging me in photos? I click on one of the post to see what it seems like to be...me and Chase?!

I click on the picture and I see this:
*just pretend that this is me and chase lol

I click on the picture and I see this:*just pretend that this is me and chase lol

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[Musical.ly_Tea]: TEA ALERT🐸☕️-So a fan caught musical.ly/influencer @chasekeith in downtown San Jose with an unfamiliar face. Is Chase hiding something from us? Anyways after some researching the unfamiliar girl is @y/n. We need answers now. Chase has been pretty inactive lately on all his social media platforms which never happens. Y/n I swear if your doing something with Chase thats making him turn away from his own fans I will find you...

I couldn't read the rest. This is what I was afraid about! Now Chases fans are hating me for no reason! I would never do anything to make him turn away from his fans. We just been hanging out a-lot this week and getting to know each other more.

What will Chase think about this. Now I'm getting threats and getting nasty comments on my post. I turned my page on private and turned off comments I couldn't help it, Ive never been in a situation like this before.

Whatever I do I shouldn't tell Chase about it, but what of he already saw it! I mean after all #exposingchase is trending ughhh why meee.

Just then, Chase comes down and my hands start to get sweaty.

"Goodmorning y/n!" Chase says with a smile

"Goodmorning to you too" I weakly smile back

"What are the plans for today?"

"Oh um.. just to stay in and be lazy, I'm so sad you leave tomorrow!" I pout

"Aww I'm sad too, this whole week with you was just super fun and even if there were things in the way, we figured a way to get passed them" Chase sits at the dining table with me. I see he doesn't have his phone with him- must be charging it or something. I set that aside and focus on the plan for today.


Chase flinched a bit, "Proceed"

"Okay so why don't we make a fort here in the living room and watch movies or play video games in out pjs! I know it sounds basic but what yah think?"

"I always wanted to make a fort and be lazy all day so yea lets do it!" He's intrigued by my plan.

"This is gonna be fun"

I run up to the closet that was in the middle of the hallway upstairs and grabbed a-lot of comfy blankets and pillows.

Skip ahead

So Chase and I completed our fort and Im pretty impressed.
The fort:

The fort:

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Yea yea... sorry its not like those tumblr/instagram photos where the forts have fairy lights and a tv inside it but hey its something!

I go inside my pantry and grabbed a bunch of snacks and drinks to put inside the fort. The fort was facing the tv which was perfect for playing games and watching tv just like what i hoped for.

"So what shall we do first" I question

"Hmm well I thinking we can play some games and probably watch a movie after, Ive been wanting to rewatch The Breakfast Club lately"
* I just put a random movie idk if Chase even watched TBC

"The Breakfast Club? Really? Ive never watched it"

"*gasp* You've never watched TBC!!"

"No but I'm down to watch it"

"Okay so it's settled"

For the rest of the evening me and Chase played non-stop games especially Mario Kart I was so competitive, I was yelling at his face and exaggerating every time I won hehe


"You might be the Mario kart master but just know that I'm the boss at Fornite"

"Pshh whatevarrr.. you wanna watch that movie now"

"You mean TBC yessss!"

I put the Wii U away and searched TBC on Netflix and.. its an hour and a half damn. I play the movie and me and Chase get comfortable. Since I have known Chase for a long time now-well not a long  long time probably for like 5 months- We like having each others company- as friends, but I just wish we could be more than friends ehhhh *cries in fiesta salsa*

Me and Chase are in the middle of the movie and I didn't even notice that I was snuggled up to him and he had his arms around my shoulders. First of all.. how and huh? I mean I was pretty comfy he kept me warm even though we had like 20 blankets piled on-top of us, but then the unthinkable happened...

OKAY YALL. Prepare for the next chapter because you all are going to be... you know what? Ill just let you guys decide how you feel

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