7:Almost here

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It's Monday.. Two more days until summer is here and I get to get out of school. And more importantly.. Chase will be here next week! I'm currently at lunch thinking about all the fun things Chase and I are going to do, when my friend snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Hey y/n are you okay? You seem a little bit off" My best friend Selena questions

"huh? yea I'm okay I'm just thinking about all the things Chase and I are going to do when he co-"

"WAIT... Chase is coming to San Jose?!" Selena interrupts

"yea... Oh shoot I forgot to tell you"

"yea, you did, but let's set that aside... Chase is coming here to see you!"

"yea I know crazy right!!"

"Aww, hopefully, he asks you to be his girlfriend!"

"whaat, pshh he won't"

"c'mon don't lie to me y/n, I know you like him and he probably does too!"

" I know, but how about if he doesn't? And if he does ask me to be his girlfriend how would his fans react?

"oh promise me y/n if he asks you to be his girlfriend I'm pretty sure his fans wouldn't mind, they have to support him no matter what.. And besides you two would make such a cute couple!"

"Aww really! Thanks, Selena"

"no problem y/n! Now lets head to class before we get marked tardy"

Skip to Saturday because I'm too lazy :)

Oh, gosh... Tomorrow Chase will be coming to San Jose and I cannot express how nervous I am to meet him in person! I call Chase beforehand to check up on him.

On the phone

"Hey y/n what's up!" Chase said

"Hey Chase I just wanted to call you to see how's everything going"

"well I'm at the airport right now waiting for my flight to be called"

"oh okay, well just text me when you get on the plane. So I know you're almost here"

"okay mom..just kidding! I Cant wait to see you y/n!"

" Chase I can't wait any longer! I just want to fricken hug you"

"same here.. Do you know exactly what we are going to do?"

"well that I can't tell you because its a surprise" I whispered

"aww c'mon y/n, not even a hint"

" all I can tell you is.. Get ready for the best week of your entire life!"

" Aha Cant wait"

*Flight 7 to San Jose is now boarding passengers* you heard over the phone

"well that's my flight, see you in San Jose y/n!"

"Alright see you!"

We ended the call

"I Love you..." I said quietly

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