15:An awkward reunion

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Chase looks up from his menu only to have a confused look on his face.

"Im sorry but am I supposed to know you?" chase asked

"Cmon Chase don't you remember me!? Its Katie! We had art class together last year but I moved" The waitress said in such a.. what's the word.. any blonde girls voice

Chase's eyes widened

"O-oh hey Katie.. I thought you said you were moving to France?"

"Yea I was, but then my mom changed her mind and said that it'll be easier to move to San Jose"

I took a good look at Katie. She was tall maybe 17 years old..she had pale skin, blue eyes and long blonde hair with a very good looking body. I felt very insecure being next to her.

"Oh! I am so sorry for ignoring you my name is Katie and you are?" Katie questions while holding her hand out

"Y-y/n" I said as Im reaching to shake hands

"Y/n such a beautiful name.. it was nice seeing you again Chase we should definitely hang out so we can catch up!Its actually my time to go so a new waiter should come and help you guys, bye!" Katie smiled and waved goodbye to Chase and walked off.

"Not too sound rude but who is she?" I ask

"Who Katie? She was a friend of mine back in San Clemente- well I shouldn't say friend.. Katie was obsessed over me and tried almost anything to get with me, truth is I wasn't even thinking of being in a relationship so just the thought of someone especially Katie trying to get with me made me uncomfortable.. once she said she was moving out of the country I was relieved. But of course she tried reaching out to me on social media but I blocked her. And now here she is again..." Chase signed

I took a moment to get all the information he was saying to my head.

"Hey I know how you feel..there was this one boy at my school who was just obsessed over me, stalked my social media and non stopped talked about me, it made me so mad that one day, I stepped forward and just yelled at him and told him if he couldn't keep my name out of his mouth I could write up a restraining order on him and he automatically stopped.. now he scared whenever I'm around him"

"Yea but it's different with Katie.. she wasn't as boy crazy for me until I started becoming an influencer on social media"

"Thats true.. but i guess what I'm trying to say is don't let it get to your head, its annoying having someone you dislike a-lot back into your life randomly, I'm pretty sure we wont be seeing her around anytime soon"

"Alright.. thanks y/n for the pep talk" Chase chuckled

"Hey no problem"

Our new waiter came and we started to order our sushi. Chase and I talked and laughed about stupid stuff, he even made me spit out my water because he was acting so weird.

After sushi, Chase and I walk more towards downtown to go look at the little shops until it was time for us to go.

Skip ahead

Chase and I parted ways to our rooms and I get a facetime call from my best friend Selena. I put on my headphones because god knows what words would come out of her mouth.

"Hey Selena!" I say

"Hey y/n its been like forever since we talked! We for sure need to hang out tomorrow!"

I smile at the idea but then it my smile fades away

"that sounds great Selena, but I'm actually going to the mall with Chase tomorrow"

"Oh.. Okay, well I'm happy that you and Chase are getting more closer to each other but I was just looking forward for me and you to hang out.. You know"

"Yes selena I know but Chase is in town for like a week and I'm trying to spend as much time with him until he has to go back home. Once he's leaves me and you can spend all the time to go shopping or just hang"

"Yea sure thats sounds like a plan.. its getting late so call you maybe tomorrow?"

"Yea for sure goodni-"

The phone call ends.

I have to say I felt really bad for not hanging out with Selena ever since Chase came.. but its like Chase is in town to see me and I just don't want to blow him off. Selena can wait until he leaves shes honestly making a big deal out of this.

Hey guys! So its 2am and I cant sleep but WE HIT 1K ALREADY WHAT- I wasn't expecting to hit 1K that quick. I am beyond shook and super happy😆💘  If it wasn't for you guys, the readers, I wouldn't be confident in making more chapters. The growth of this book has taking me by shock and once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping up with this book, I promise to make more entertaining chapters for you guys!! :) Love you all - E♥️



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