2:The first interaction

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As the days pass by I kept having images of Chase in my head. He was stuck in my mind like superglue on hardwood. I start to be more active on his account. *by active I mean; liking his post and commenting
He would like some of my comments and even reply to them. Which had me shook. Being noticed by him meant the world to me!

One day, I joined one of his Instagram lives after school.

In the live

"Hey what is up guys," chase said while fixing his hair

A bunch of fan accounts and girls showed up in the live making him go from 100 views to about 400. I typed some things in the chat knowing that he'll probably not even see the comment anyways.

[y/n] Whats gucci chase😎😎

I commented

I waited for a while and surprisingly he read my comment!

"Whats gucci chase" Chase read and smiled

"I'm pretty gucci if you asked me- wait I know you.." He trailed off thinking.

Omgggg he recognizes meeee!!

"HOLD UPPP.. your that girl that commented, that I probably smelled like a wet dog after that rainy photoshoot that I did the other day huh?" He said

Oh gosh, he probably took that in the wrong way... yikes

[y/n] yupp.. that was meee.. but I meant it as a joke!! I promise I'm not a bully, I'm just a smol potato🙃

I respond waiting for a reply back. He read my comment aloud and chuckled a bit.

"Noooo, of course, I didn't take offense too it, I thought your comment was pretty funny" he smiles

"whewwww" I sign

[y/n] oh okay😂 you got me scared for a second there

He smiles at my comment and continued to answer some questions and ended the live.

I had a smile on my face, Chase literally had a conversation with me during his live-well not a full on convo but just small talk. There were some comments here and there that said "she's asking for attention" or "she seems fake asf". Of course, I felt like I was being a bit misunderstood about what they were saying about me but I ignored it.


Later on in the afternoon and I was on my laptop looking at funny videos when I got a notification from my phone:

You got a dm request from chasekeith

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