Chapter Twelve:That Bastard

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Frieza's POV

I was heading over to a certain scientist who has proven he's of no worth based on how many mistakes he has made. I have let him live to this day due to one of his inventions not failing. The most beautiful one he or any other scientist have ever made. (Y/N). He was her father(at least that's what I believed) but now I know who he truly is.

And he has made his final mistake.

No One's POV

You were taking Ajisa for a little walk after his nap. You never go where the most people are or even some. You always heard gossip about you as you walk by. It made you extremely uncomfortable. It was even worse when Zarbon or Dedoria were there, since they didn't just whisper, they made it clear to the whole area where you were located. So, you stayed far away from social contact. It's not all that bad. It's quiet, fairly secluded. Only problem was you had to stay off a certain course.

Or it would lead you to your father's quarters...

You were happily chatting with a babbling Ajisa when their was a loud bang. It sounded more of a energy blasts. You hoped there wasn't some fight going on nearby. Those normally result in a bunch of destruction. The large energy blast was followed by shouting and cursing. Ajisa fell silent as his ears moved almost like satellite dishes towards the sounds.

You had the choice to either go check out on the source of such activity or stay out of it. Both seemed bad because, if you walk into a fight willingly, you could hurt yourself or worse Ajisa, but if you chose to walk away, it could get you in trouble for by-standing.

Those choices drifted off when you recognized Frieza and some of the Ginyu Force's voices. They were yelling at someone...but who?

That's when your memory shot back to the secret you spilled to Frieza just yesterday. You had an idea of what was going on...

Your P.O.V.

~"He was a terrible man. He ran on alcohol and cigars and never cared about me one bit....he hated me every single day of his life. No matter how much I tried to impress him. I was always his little mistake. So...why do I feel guilty? Why should I? He has done nothing but ruin my life. No. I will not interrupt his fate...this was something long overdue and now he must pay....."~

No One's P.O.V.

"L-lord Frieza! Whatever it is I am accused of please s-spare me!!" The cowardly bastard would cry. "Oh my loyal doctor. After what I'm going to do to you, you're going to be begging for death.~" Frieza cooed looking down at his project, ready for experiments. Recoome let out a goofy laugh. "Ooo~ somebody's in trouble~!"

~"stop deserves it...he deserves everything he did to me!!! And more!!"~ you'd shout in your head.

Frieza was repeatedly punching Dr. Reiji's face in. Nose breaking. Teeth flying. The bastard was still yelling.

"You will pay for what you did to her!!"

Frieza threw him across the room. Reiji hit the wall, leaving a dent and a blood splatter.

"H-huh?" The bastard foolishly stuttered, unaware of his wicked deed.

"Don't play coy doctor~ surely you know of your long overdue payment to me~" Frieza said inching closer to the bastard.

"Wh-what?! What did I do?! Wh-what do y-you want?" The bastard spoke before Frieza's claws wraps around his neck, holding him off the ground.

"Your screams." Frieza would say as he'd took his free hand and clawed up his neck.


Frieza turned around to face the voice of the one stopping a much needed want of justice. His anger faded and confusion took over.

"(Y/N)?" Frieza said tilting his head.

"Put him down."


"I said put him down Frieza."

"After everything he's done to you, you still spare him?! Why?!"

"Believe me...." you handed Adjisa to Captain Ginyu who was just as confused as Frieza. Along with everyone else in the room. Including the bastard.

"I want to make his life hell for what he did to me. Ever single day I spent with him, I want him to pay for it. But, I can't let you kill him. I can't. I don't know why but I cant." You said just barely shaking you words up.

"So please..just...let him go."

Frieza with a defeated sigh dropped Reiji roughly. Reiji groaned loudly. Frieza glared down at him before looking at you. His glare wasn't the firey tone that was given to the bastard. It seemed to be able to change within seconds. It wasn't quite soft either. More of a questioning look.

"(Y/N)...come with me. Captain Ginyu, just watch the namekian for a little bit." Frieza then led you away with him. Neither of you spoke or looked at each other for the duration of the travel to his quarters. Luckily the trip wasn't long and soon you two were in complete privacy. As soon as that privacy took place. "(Y/N). Explain." Frieza spoke sternly. "I already told you. I don't know." You said as Frieza then forced you to sit down on his couch, as he now stood taller than you. "I said explain (Y/N)." His voice grew a little stronger. "I don't know!" You repeated. "(Y/N)! JUST TELL M-" "BECAUSE HES MY FATHER OKAY?" You shouted cutting Frieza off. Anyone who'd raised their voice to him would've been executed on the spot. "Even after of the horrible things he's done and said, he's still my father! I just couldn't let you kill him! I couldn't!" You said finally, words breaking. Frieza sighed and wrapped his arms around you. He pulled your troubled head into the crook of his neck. "(Y/N)......I can't prevent what happened in the past..and I can't take away the memories....but I can assure one will ever harm you again, so long as I'm around. Understood?" He said stroking your hair. "Yes my lord.." you said closing your eyes and enjoying these strong arms that kept you secured to your lover. Frieza's hand reached under your chin, forcing you to come face to face with his, planting a kiss upon your lips.

A/N:Yes I know that I've been on a huge hiatus and I'm sorry. Wattpad was never a place I could get active. I always want to but in the end I leave. I want to at least see if I can get this story a good happy ending so I don't have to feel guilty of giving up and leaving if I do. Just know that I will be active now for as long as I can be. -NBI

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