Chapter Ten:Secrets Spilled

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"Aim (Y/N)!" Frieza would yell after you miss constantly at a moving target. Wanting to say something back like 'I'm trying' or 'I know!' You decided it was best to focus on shooting the damn thing than running your mouth. Finally getting a shot on it, the target was blown to pieces. Frieza only scoffed. "You hit everything except the target." Frieza could be quite impatient, even though he was training you. You kept in mind that for next time, you shouldn't keep him waiting. "Come now (y/n)," Frieza said as he began to walk away, motioning his hand for you to follow. In which you obeyed. "Let's take a break from all this." Frieza took you for a stroll around the ship. He went over some plans on training, but said nothing about your progress. You wanted to know if you were doing any better but at the same time you didn't want to know. Lately, you've been worried that you've been failing Frieza. Failing to meet his expectations, failing to make him seem like a great mentor, and failing to make him satisfied. (Back up all u Hammy fans, do not get turned on by the word 'satisfied'.) You were thinking about everything people have said to you and done to you in the past. That was until Frieza snapped you out of your thoughts. "Y/n? Are you listening?"

Frieza's POV

I was going over what I will work on with y/n with her training. when I noticed her seeming a little off. For one, I could tell she was dozing off which is normal. She always listen to me. Second, her tail, which was normally swaying or wrapped around herself, was droopy and lifeless. Lastly, the look on her face seemed...colourless almost. The light in her eyes didn't shine, and her focus was on the floor. "Y/n?" I spoke to her. No response. "Y/n? Are you listening?" Her head lifted slightly and her eyes focused on what was around her.

No one's POV

Y/n looked to see Frieza looking a bit worriedly at her. She then recalled what he said. " Frieza....I'm sorry..." you said bowing your head as you both came to a stop and stood in front one another. "Why were you dozing off? What has your attention?" Frieza questioned. You looked at him with a worried expression. Lying was off the option table since you were designed to be loyal and respectful. "Nothing I liked to discuss Frieza..." you said. At least that wasn't a lie. Frieza grabbed you and took you to your quarters which were nearby and went in locking the door behind both of you. Today the Ginyu Force were watching over Ajisa so he wasn't in the room luckily. Frieza sat you on the bed and stood in front of you with crossed arms. "Tell me." He said sternly. You looked at him. You could feel yourself beginning to say the reason. Your coding was taking over. You tried to fight it. "I t-told you it was nothing I'd liked to discuss..." your voice shook. "It must be a big distraction if it kept you from listening to me. You never zone out on me. So what is it?" He asked once more his face closer. You looked at him. You sighed. "Just some bad thoughts that's all." You said softly. "What kind of bad thoughts?" Frieza asked. ~"oh come on!"~ you said in your head. You didn't want to talk about it but from the situation he's got you in, you had to. "Things like my father...." that wasn't a lie either. You were thinking of a few things your father has done to you, mostly what some crew members done to you. Frieza's stare softened. "What about him?" Frieza said as he began to sit beside you. "He....uh...." you began to get choked up as if you couldn't speak. "He....he wasn't....exactly a good father......" your eyes were welling up with tears at the thoughts of your childhood. Frieza noticed and wrapped an arm around you pulling you closer for comfort. "Normally if I came home late he'd scold me....he'd feed me scraps or terrible food....he....he would..." you stopped yourself as you began sobbing. "He would b-beat me...Sometimes b-b-burn my skin by putting....p-putting out his..h-his cigarettes using m-me...." You said sobbing harder. Good thing your quarters weren't close to anyone's room otherwise you probably would've gotten a rude, non-sentimental noise complain. Frieza held you tightly to his chest as he rubbed your back lightly. "'s ok y/n......" you started to hiccup between sobs as you calmed down. "Here....lets get you cleaned up." Frieza helped you up holding one arm around you and took you into your bathroom, grabbing a hand cloth. He started drying your face of tears and pushing strands of hair out of your face. Soon you finally calmed down. "Feel better now that, that's off your chest?" Frieza asked. You nodded. It did feel better. However you weren't prepared for telling him of the other things people have done to you, or what you've done to yourself. Frieza picked you up and took you back over to your bed, then laid you down on it, just before he got on too and cuddled you wrapping his tail around yours. "Y/n....." he spoke softly to you, your face heating up. "Yes?" You whispered back. "I love you and I will protect you from everyone who dares to harm you. If anyone harasses you in anyway, come straight to me. Understand?" Frieza said to you. "Yes Frieza." You said as a smiled formed on you. "Frieza?" You spoke. "Yes?" Frieza responded. "I love you too." You said as your smile became warmer. Frieza smiled back until his expression changed. "Y/n......" he spoke lowly. "Yeah...?" You responded a little unsure of his facial expression.

"Why was there a box cutter on your bathroom floor?"





HELLO! Sorry for inactivity. School is always keeping me busy, I will try to get more chapters going since people have been asking when his would continue. Honestly, I was afraid it wouldn't, but here we are!! Either I'm gonna get another chapter done soon or y''ll see me in 3 months again ;D


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