Chapter Two:Friend and Foes

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You were walking down the hall the next day to school. You were very excited to see Frieza again knowing that you may have made a new friend. You didn't really have any friends and dads don't count as friends. Even though Reiji doesn't let you call him dad. You walked down the hallway only to see Frieza. You sprinted up to him and tackled him. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" He yelled as he turned to see that it was only you. "Hi Frieza!" You said with a smile. He slammed you to the ground. "Hi (y/n)." He said as he got off of you and helped you up. "Ready for school today?" You asked joyful. "I'm ready to go back home, school is boring." He said groaning a bit. "School is fun! And you're doing well in it!" You said as you began walking down the hallway with him. "Only because of you...." Frieza said crossing his arms. "All you needed was a little help." You smiled at him. "Hey I'll race ya to class Frieza!" You said as you started running. "You're on!" Frieza started running as well. Soon enough you were ahead but then Frieza flew past like a speeding bullet. "Cheater!" You yelled as you tried to Match his speed when you flew, but you couldn't. When you finally caught up he was leaning on the wall by the classroom door all cocky. "I win." He said. "You cheated." You replied crossing your arms. "Well as my father taught me, sometimes in order to win you have to play dirty." He said with a grin.You both entered the classroom and sat in your seats. As usual the teacher slammed his ruler on the desk to quiet everyone. Next he started talking about adding and subtracting once again, which you and Frieza were the best at now. Once it was recess time you a Frieza immediately went back to the tree. "Hey Frieza wanna play?" You asked him. "Playing is childish." He scoffed. You nudged him. "You are a child." You replied. He rolled his eyes. "Cooooommmeeee ooooonnnn Frrriieeezzzaaaa!" You said tugging on him. He sighed. "Alright I'll play." He rolled his eyes once again. "Ok let's play hide and seek you hide and I'll find you." You giggled and began counting. Frieza dashed off and hid. "15...16...17...18...19...20! Ready or not here I come!" You ran off looking everywhere until you felt his high power level on the top of the tree. You flew up to him. "Found ya!" You said as you laugh. "HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS HERE?" He was shocked at how quickly you found him. "I felt your power level silly." He scoffed. "You cheated." He said as he crossed his arms. "Well sometimes 'in order to win you have to play dirty'." You grinned at him crossing your arms and he looked back at you. He started to laugh and then you did the same. "Hey I got something for you." He held out a locket necklace. "One of my father's servant found it on a planet call E-arth, I though you'd might like it." You took the locket. "Because it's pretty...nnmn mnhm." The last two words he mumbled. You put the locket on. "what did you say?" You asked. "Nothing....." He looked up at you with the locket around you. You smiled. "Come on tell me! I wanna know!" He sighed. "I said it's pretty, like you." He blushed and looked away. You blushed as well, then you began to smile. You hugged him. "Aww thank you Frieza!" You nuzzled him a bit. "Time to go back inside class!" Teacher Rahi yelled. You levitated back down and Frieza did the same. When you two walked back you walked side by side. Zarbon and Dedoria noticed this. "Hey look, it's the galaxy's cutest couple!" Zarbon yelled and pointed at you two. Everyone began laughing but Frieza did something that you didn't see. He did something that made everyone scared, everyone instantly stopped laughing and continued going inside. With the remaining last 30 minutes of class, the teacher allowed people to talk as long as they didn't get too loud. You and Frieza talked to each other, mostly discussing each other try to get to know each one better. Turns out you two quite a bit in common. You started telling each other your favorite colors, foods, games, etc. Then Frieza came to the point where he wanted to ask you something. "Hey (y/n)?" Frieza asked. "What Frieza?" You said with a smile. "Do you want to be friends?" He ask hopeful. You thought of something. "No." You said. Frieza frowned and look down disappointed. "Oh..." You nudged him causing him to almost fall. "I wanna be best friends!" You said as he looked up at you his eyes seaming to light up as you said this. He began to smile real wide. "Oh! (Y/n) don't get me worked up like that!" He punched you in the shoulder lightly as he laughed. You began to laugh too, though, his light punch still hurt you, due to his strength and your weakness. When it was time to go home, you as usual, waited in the hallway for Frieza. Even though your father didn't come to pick you up you stayed to talk until Frieza left. When it was time for him to leave, his father still looked at you as a lowlife peasant. Maybe even a mistake like the other kids think of you. You waved goodbye to Frieza and headed home. You opened the door to Reiji's room where you lived. "Hey Reiji I'm!-" you opened the door to see Reiji staring angrily at you. "I don't remember school ending so late." He scoffed. "O-oh I was just talking to my friend Reiji!" You said half fearful and half excited. "since when have you ever had a friend?" He asked still angry at you. "Since today...." You said as you played with your hands. "Well now your food is cold so deal with it." He said as he went to the kitchen and began drinking again. You went to the table with a plate with food that was indeed cold, but it didn't look too good. You began eating, forcing yourself to swallow. Once you were full you went you your room, got dressed, brushed your teeth, and got into bed to sleep. Through the school years you and Frieza were still top in your classes. You and Frieza never failed a test or quiz, nor homework assignment. Then it was the day of your birthday. Your father didn't celebrate it. He didn't want to celebrate his failed experiment. It was a Saturday luckily. You walked down the hallway not caring that it was your 8th birthday. During the school years, Zarbon and Dedoria, made fun of you. First in kindergarten they pointed and laughed calling you names. Next, first grade, they began insulting you at a higher level and following you down the hallway invading your personal space while laughing and calling you names. Then in second grade they began pushing you around while insulting you. Third grade they began mentally hurting you. They called you a mistake and told you that you shouldn't be alive, your a waste of oxygen, no one cares about you, and kill yourself. The same thing in fourth grade happened. Though they never did all of this when Frieza was around and you didn't tell Frieza about them, but only cried and saying that people have said mean things to you. In sixth grade that's when Frieza asked you to be his girlfriend when you were 10 and he was 11. Of course you said yes since you two have been best friends for many years. But, one day something seam to have been wrong. Frieza stopped coming back to school at the beginning of seventh grade where you began fighting and training. This saddened you. Zarbon and his friend began to pick on you more, and since seventh grade was for training, they made sure they trained with you as much as they could. They beated you, causing you to go home with bruises and scratches. Reiji didn't care. He just said 'get over it' or 'what do you want me to do?'. After that you became weaker but mentally stronger as you gotten older. Though training did make your power level rise tremendously, you were still not as strong as the others but it was good enough for you. You went to bed every night redreaming the same dreams where you and Frieza were together happily. When you two were young and shared each other's secrets, played 'childish' games, and joked around. You also dreamed about you and Frieza's first kiss you gave each other and other things you two did as a couple. You would often see him though, in the hall with his father and guards around him. You tried you best to call out to him but he didn't hear nor see you. This saddened you more. Some nights you laughed and smiled at the memories. Others you cried. But mostly you would often wish 'Frieza please come back I need you.' When you turned 13 your father began dating and fucking a bunch of women he met on other planets. He became so drunk in the head that he began abusing you. But when you came the age 16 you moved out to you own room. FAR, away from him. You became depressed and suicidal for all the things they have said and done to you and parental neglect. You took antidepressants that didn't really help that much. So you sometimes did self harm to escape you emotional pain. No one ever found out of this or your depression and suicidalness either. You just stayed that way. You barely slept due to insomnia and barely ate because of how your father use to put drugs in your food which caused a strong fear of eating. You got use to being hungry and eventually it didn't bother you. You did eat though but not often. You got stronger and stronger yet the others, every time you got stronger, there power levels outmatched you. Through it all you stayed loyal to Frieza who got to where he wanted to be. He became Lord Frieza who ruled the ship now. You made his orders your first priority everyday and stayed loyal to him. You would often go to meetings with the rest of the Group and get to see Freiza. attending those always made you happy, hoping that you and Frieza still had that spark you had in sixth grade. But as usual you went to your room and tried to sleep after taking your antidepressants. Then came the time where you were 18 years old. A readied fighter. Or the weakest fighter of the group to be exact.

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