Chapter Four:The Ginyu Force

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You woke up with little Ajisa sleeping soundly on your chest. You hadn't prepared a bed for him yet but you will soon. It had been a few days since you have gotten the four star dragon ball for Frieza and he has been protecting that thing like crazy. You had some trusted female teacher babysit Ajisa for you since it was the day that everyone was to get the rest of the dragon balls, but once you got there you noticed something was off. You weren't early yet, still no one was there. Except a group of men that appear to be talking to Frieza. You noticed Frieza's irritation from the way his tail twitched shortly now and then so you tried to help. "Hello Frieza sorry I'm-...oh am I interrupting?" You said acting your best. Frieza noticed you were only acting and felt relieved. He mouthed 'thank you' to you. "Who's the hottie?" One with red skin and white hair spoke. You flustered and Frieza slightly cocked his head narrowing his eyes. No one ever called you that. "I am (y/n), and who are you?" The red skinned man got near you, invading your personal space. "I'm Jeice. But you could call me whatever you want doll~." He said seductively. You backed up. "If you call me doll or get that close to me again, I'll slap you so hard I'll make a new shade of red!" You said flustered and angry. "Hey mate! Calm down!" Jeice said backing up a bit. "Now why are they here Frieza and where are the others?" You asked him. Frieza walked over to you. "Didn't you get my message I sent out to everyone? The Ginyu Force will be taking care of the job instead of those lazy ass traitors." Frieza growled. "Oh...well I didn't get your message, no one told me." Frieza scoffed. "Bastards..." He narrowed his eyes. "Hey Frieza what's gotten into you? You seam more angry than usual." You put a hand on his shoulder. He sighed and whispered to you. "These morons are driving me crazy, but I've heard they are pretty good at taking orders." You looked at them. "Oh....well don't worry about it Frieza it should be fine." You said lightly. "Well since you're here you may help them if you wish." Frieza said giving you a little smile. "We will be happy with your company." A tall strong blue one said. One purple skinned guy cleared his throat. "Well let us introduce ourselves." He jumped up and landed in a pose. "I am Captain Ginyu!" The blue one got in a different pose. "I am Burter!" One red haired guy got in another pose. "I am Reccoome!" Jeice got in his pose and instead of saying his name he winked at you with a smirk on his face. You blushed a little angry at his ignorance. Then one small green guy got in his pose. "I am Guldo!" "And we are the Ginyu Force!" They all said in unison. You heard Frieza holding back his laughter but he didn't show it. You too were struggling to not laugh but it wasn't obvious. Only to Frieza. You began clapping quietly. "Now it's time. Let's go!" He said as he shot off flying and his men did the same. C'mon miss!" Jeice said to you. You looked at Frieza then turned to go fly away with them to search for the Dragon Balls. You tried you best to keep up but struggled to, but you didn't show it. You finally were able to match their speed with ease after a while of flying with them.

You all did it. And not a single Namekian was harmed. You were thankful for this too. Everyone found one dragon ball for a total of six. The last dragon ball was back at headquarters. "We did it! Now come on we must take them back to Frieza!" You said excited. "Woah calm down there mate there's no rush!" Jeice said smirking a bit. "Wouldn't ya like to let your boyfriend miss ya a bit?" He grinned. You blushed extremely red to where you almost looked like Jeice. "FRIEZA IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" You growled at him. "Jeice stop pissing off the lady!" Burter said slapping him on the back of his head. "HEY!" Jeice yelled as he began fighting Burter childishly. Guldo and Recoome were watching while laughing, betting on who will win while Captain Ginyu on the other hand was looking annoyed. ~"These guys really are morons"~ you thought as you walked over looking tall as you passed Guldo and Recoome. As soon as they saw you they stopped talking and stared while Captain Ginyu watched you. You got close to Jeice and Burter who were still fighting and in a blink of an eye, you grabbed Jeice by the ear and Burter by what seamed to be his ear. They both owed in pain. Recoome and Guldo began laughing and you looked at them with a angry look and they immediately stopped. You noticed Ginyu grinning. You turned back to Jeice and Burter who were in pain from your discipline move. "Now you two need to stop acting like kids and start acting like men! And stop with all this nonsense! You make yourselves look like fools more than you do make yourself look like a powerful team! Now are you going to behave or am I going to have to make ya?" You yelled harshly at them. They both nodded quickly. You waited a few seconds then let them go and they held their ears in pain. You cocked your head, crossed your arms, and grinned. "Now come on, Frieza would want these back at headquarters as soon as possible so let's go." You said grabbing a dragon ball and began to fly towards headquarters. When you arrived, Ginyu carried all of them by himself over to Frieza and presented them to him. After Frieza said somethings while rubbing the Dragon Balls, captain Ginyu began dancing and Frieza looked weirded out by this. You giggled and Frieza looked at you and smiled then looked back at Ginyu and said something else that made him stop dancing. Then Ginyu came over to where his team and you were waiting. Captain Ginyu looked at you. "Thank you for the help (y/n)." He said bowing his head in thanks. You nodded. "Happy to help!" You said smiling and Ginyu smiled back. "Ma! Ma!" You heard the little voice of Ajisa calling you as he ran towards you. You looked at him surprised and worried. "Oh Ajisa why aren't you with your babysitter?!" You said as you got down checking to see if he was hurt or if anything seamed bad. The only thing on him was the cut from the guys who turned on Frieza's orders which was now turning into a scar. "I fine mama." Ajisa said giggling. "I hope so!" You said as you picked him up and nuzzled his little nose. "Well Ajisa you better get back to your babysitter right now before they worry. Ok?" You said setting him down. "Ok mama!" Ajisa said as he ran off to his babysitter's location. Frieza walked over to you. "Come my dear, I have to get these things somewhere I can summon the dragon." Frieza said as he made the Dragon Balls levitate and follow him. "Woah....I didn't know you could do that..." You said looking amazed. Frieza looked at you. "You didn't?" He asked a little surprised. "I never seen you do it before...." You said as you two began walking. "WAIT! Is that how you snuck that letter into my book back in Kindergarten?" Frieza stopped and gasped a bit then looked at you. "You still remember that?" He said as he began to blush remembering that memory. "Well.....of course how could I forget?...Frieza you are aware that you were my only friend back then right?" You said as you words almost choked at the painful memories of abuse and bullying you had to go through. "Well...I knew you didn't have many who liked you...but I never thought of that.." He said as you two continued walking. "Heh yeah...I hope you don't find this weird but I...kept a few things from our childhood together in a box." You said playing with your hands nervously, regretting telling him this. "Oh really? Like what?" He said seaming to be interested. "Well for one the pictures...and the-" Someone's voice cut you off. "I see you have finally gotten them my son." You realized it was King Cold. You both turned around to see King Cold. "Yes, indeed father." Frieza said returning to his devilish tone. "And I also see that you have a pest." King Cold said with disgust looking at the fact that your a Saiyan. But not just any Saiyan, one that was meant for greater but failed. You accidentally growled and immediately regretted it. Frieza looked at you wide eyed. King Cold went up to you looking angrily upon you. "What was that monkey?" Cold said with fire burning in his eyes. "I-I...I-.." You stuttered as your speaking failed. "Father she has done way more work and shown much loyalty to me on her first mission and a few minutes ago. She should surely gain some respect from you." Frieza's last words seamed to be more of an order rather than a suggestion. King Cold had a confused look in his eyes when his met Frieza's but his eyes seamed to become fire once again. "Very well, be off then." King Cold said as he walked away. You looked at Frieza. "Thanks Frieza.." You said with your head a little low. He lifted your chin up with his hand and his face close to yours as he gave you a warm smile. "Anything for you my dear." You two began to walk once more and this time Frieza got close to you and he was blushing and so were you. You giggled glancing at him. "(Y/n)?" Frieza asked. "Yes Frieza?" You replied. "How would you like to be my apprentice?" He asked with a smile. Your eyes lit up. "I would love that!" You said as your tail shot up in excitement. "Frieza looked at your tail. "Looks like someone needs to keep that under control." He said as he wrap his tail around yours. This caused both of you to blush even more. ~"The feeling...this feels so nice..."~ Frieza put his hand on your head, causing it to rest on his shoulders. You smiled. "I think I may wait a bit before summoning the dragon. I don't believe it is the right time to do so." He said resting his head on yours. A few moments later you two went back to walking side by side with distance once you got near a chamber for protecting the dragon balls. Once they were secured, Frieza offered to walk with you to pick up Ajisa. "Mama!" Ajisa said as you finally got him. "Hi Aj," you said picking him up and hugging him. He giggled and looked at Frieza. "Hai Feezy." Ajisa said waving to Frieza. Frieza chuckled. "Free-Za," you sounded out the word hoping he'd say it correctly. "Fee-Zy." Ajisa said just before laughing. "Close enough." You said as you began tickling him. Frieza stared at you as he walked you to your room. ~"How adorable"~ He thought looking at you two. ~"When I'm the most powerful being (y/n), We will be together, because no one will be powerful enough to stop me from loving you. Not even my father. Just don't forget, my dear."~ Frieza thought as he said goodbye and left you and Ajisa for the rest of the day.

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