Chapter Five:Two of Importance

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//in case of confusion, this chapter is made up of memories that you have had in the past that I never mentioned//

(4th Grade)

I was going home from school as usual, expecting to find my father, once again, passed out on the floor with the burning smell of alcohol. Today, school was pretty boring and terrible. Of course I made good grades but I had to sit at the tree alone because Frieza had to do somethings with his father. I almost forgot and ended up waiting 5 minutes outside, just for Frieza to come out of the classroom. "Hey good-for-not!" My tail twitched as I heard the frustrating hideous voice of him. "Dedoria." I spoke with a whisper. I turned around and as I expected I saw Dedoria, and also Zarbon. "Hello, mistake." Zarbon chimed coldly. "Go away." I spoke beginning to walk again, but only a short few moments later I was slammed against the wall. I fell to the the floor in tears from the pain of the hard metal wall. They slammed me against it so hard that it made a dent. After this I heard footsteps and someone talking. Before I could see who it was Zarbon slammed my head to the ground making me scream a bit. "What was that?!" The voice down the other hallway spoke. Zarbon and Dedoria took off flying away before they could see them. I didn't look up. I only shook on the floor, feeling helpless and weak as I've always been. I heard a gasp and felt someone pick me up. My vision was blurred after Zarbon slammed my head into the ground and my head was throbbing. I could hear voices, two to be exact, but I couldn't understand them. Next thing I knew it I woke up in a healing chamber. I remember seeing the man who took me to it and I remember who he was. He saved my life and did so kindly as to find the kids who did this to me. I claimed I didn't know due to fear of Zarbon and Dedoria coming back to get me back for it. I will always remember him and what he did.

(5th Grade)
I was crying outside the hallway. ~"It's broken...they broke it! How could they! How could I let them?"~ I sobbed into my knees, remembering the painful event of watching Dedoria and Zarbon torture me and break my belongings. I wasn't too upset until they found the locket Frieza gave me. I pleaded and pleaded for them to give it back, but as my luck ran out, they threw it, breaking the part that opens, and the chain. From it's condition I couldn't fix it. "Hey? You alright miss?" A voice spoke beside me. I looked up to see a little Saiyan boy, a little older than me. "I-u-uh...." I stuttered. "Why are you crying?" He said as he crouched down in front of me. "O-o-oh...s-s-ome g-guys br-broke my..m-my necklace..." I said holding up its ruins. The little saiyan boy examined it then slowly took it away from me and fiddled with it. "H-hey!" I said as to my surprise, he fixed it. Holding it in front of me with the chain back in it's place and the opening part back to its opening and closing manner, he handed it to me. "Th-thank you so much!" I said in pure joy. "Nah, no need to thank me. Now who are the dumbasses that broke it in the first place?" He asked me. "W-well.... I-I-...can't tell you that..." I said with a hint of fear. "Why not?" He frowned. "Th-they'll hurt m-me! O-or you..." I said as he scoffed. "Hurt me? Hurt me?" He said in repetition as he scoffed. "Little girl do you know who I am?" He said as he stood up putting his hands on his hips look tall and mighty like Frieza does. I shook my head. "Well, I, am Prince Vegeta." My eyes widened a bit. I've heard little of him, but I'm too caught up with the royalty of Frieza to know that there were other royals onboard. "O-oh....w-well...I-I'm (y/n)...." I said as I stood up putting the locket around my neck. "Nice to meet you (y/n)." He smiled at me with his eyes a little narrow. Or at least I think they were. By the mass of his eyebrows I couldn't tell. "Now tell me," he grinned, "who broke the locket?"

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