Chapter Eight:The 'Meeting'

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You got suited up in your Saiyan armor and headed out to meet Vegeta at the meeting. When you got their your expected an organized group of Saiyan as sitting and talking formally but- you were embarrassed as to how they were acting at this meeting. It even shamed your race. Monkeys. They were acting like total animals. You saw some fighting just for the fun of it, drinking carelessly, breaking things, etc. but all this behavior faded once Vegeta came to you. "I thought you said this was a meeting not a zoo." You said and to your surprise you didn't stutter. "Well we call them meetings to make Frieza think we are actually doing something important. But really, it's just an excuse for us to have a little fun." He said as he laughed. You laughed a bit and smile. He then grinned at you and did the thing with narrowing his eyebrows that made you uneasy. You flustered looking away-but Vegeta put his hand on the side of your face and made you face him. His narrowed eyes were gone. He was looking at you, examining you all your facial features. "You're so beautiful." He said causing you to blush more. "N-no I'm not....I'm nothing but a-" Vegeta cut you off and put his hand on your back. "You are not a mistake. I do not care what those other bastards say about you. Those scientist have made the most beautiful girl on the ship and they aren't proud of that?" He said as he got closer to you. You felt tears well up in your eyes. It was one of the nicest things someone has said to you. You felt healed from all the wounds everyone has left on you in the past. Vegeta picked you up bridal style and took you to a private room. "Aw, I didn't mean to make you cry." He said with a smile. You wiped your eyes, trying to remove the tears that were beginning to fall but Vegeta stopped you. "No, you're still beautiful when you cry." He said as he sat down criss crossed and had your back against his chest as his arms wrapped around you. Your tail at this point was squeezing your stomach from all the emotions. You let it relax and Vegeta took this chance to wrap his tail around yours. Both of your faces blushed but yours was flustered the most. You were enjoying this feeling, not to lie, but it felt so wrong. "Hmm..." Vegeta said as he began thinking. He nuzzled you neck, breathing in your scent. "V-Vegeta..." you said In a Whisper. "Stuttering again huh?" He said with a chuckle as he laid you on the floor. "Vegeta what are you-" he got on top of you and pinned down your arms. You began to struggle. "Vegeta! What are you doing?! Let go!!!" You tried to move your wrists out of his hands grip, but his strength out matched yours a whole lot and it was useless. "You are so cute like this you know that?" He said with a Devilish grin. "I said let go!!" You kept struggling. "Hmm....what would shut you up?...oh I know~" he leaned forward about to kiss you but you quickly kicked him in the stomach with a lot of power and sent him flying back a bit and hitting a wall. It didn't make that loud of a sound so the others couldn't hear it. Though they probably couldn't hear it anyway from how loud they were being. You quickly got up and ran out of the room once Vegeta fell to the floor. As soon as you were out you were slammed on the wall. You already knew who did it. Vegeta had the side of your face pinned to the wall while holding your arm behind your back. It hurt. a lot. "HOW DARE YOU! DO YOU KNOW HOW LUCKY YOU ARE TO BE PICKED BY ME? THE PRINCE? ANY GIRL ON THIS SHIP WOULD DIE OR KILL JUST TO BE YOU!!!" You yelled in pain. "YOU STUPID BITCH! YOU ARE MINE! AND YOU BELONG TO ME! I RULE YOU!" He growled until you back kicked him. "Frieza is my lord!! NOT YOU!!" You quickly flew down the hallway and away from the Saiyan Prince. ~I belong to Frieza. I will not be taken by any other man."~

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