Chapter One:Your Beginning

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It was your first day of Kindergarten. Where you hoped to make new friends despite your past which everyone on the ship has learned about that the group of foolish scientist have yet messed up another experiment. You walked out of your room fully dressed and ready as you packed your own lunch. You put it in your (f/c) backpack and went to the door. "Bye Reiji! I'll be home soon!" He didn't respond but you were used to it. You left keeping your happy smile on your face. You skipped down the hall to the school room where they teach kids math and other things. You were already skilled with mathematics. You already knew how to divide and multiply when the other kids on the ship your age can't even read or add like you can. You finally reached the school room and went inside. Everyone turned to look at you. When you went in, they were all laughing and talking but at the sight of you, there playfulness faded. "Ah yes miss (y/n) welcome to the classroom." The teacher greeted you. One of the kids whispered to the other, "it's the mistake." You kept your bright smile. "Good morning Mr. Rahi!" He chuckled a bit. "Good morning, you may set your backpack in the cubbies." He said pointing to the cubbies which had other people's backpacks in. "Yes sir!" You walked a little fast over to them and set your back pack into it, but you took out your binder and pencils. "Your desk number is 3 miss (y/n)." You teacher instructed. "Ok sir!" You said as you went over and sat in your desk. "The boy who called you a mistake spoke again to his friend, "she thinks we are in the army." He said as his friends began to laugh. Your tail unraveled from you waist and drooped down to what they said to you. You tried to keep your smile but it faded a bit. The door opened. "Father you can't make me do this!" A boy's voice spoke. "Behave and do good in class today." A low older voice spoke. You turned to see a boy and his father who both had black horns and a weird purple thing on their heads. For some reason, you immediately liked them. Then you remembered you coding had some sort of strong bond to a group of people. ~"Is that King Cold?"~ You thought as your tail wrapped around yourself once again. He left leaving his son in a grouchy state. ~"maybe we could be friends."~ You thought to yourself. "You may take your seat beside (y/n)." He said looking at the new boy and pointing to the desk beside you. He set his stuff down in the cubbies and sat down beside you a little angry. "Hi what's your name?" You said as you seamed to startle him. "Well to you I am Lord Frieza! And when I get older I am going to be the most powerful being in the universe!" He said grinning. "Ok! I'll just call you Frieza! I'm (y/n) by the way!" You said happily. "You have to call me l-" Frieza's sentence was cut off to the teacher slamming his ruler on his desk quieting everyone. "Students take your seats. We are going to introduce ourselves by stating your name and what you like to do, then we will begin adding and subtracting." Everyone in the room groaned when he mention adding and subtracting except for you. You only smiled more. "Desk 1 you first." The boy in desk one was the one who called you a mistake. "My name is Zarbon and I like to train and fight." He sat down. After his friends introduced themselves as Dedoria it was your turn. You stood up a little shy. "I-I am (y/n) a-a-and I l-like m-m-mathematics and r-reading." The teacher seam pleased with your answer. Then it was Frieza's turn. He stood up his tail flicking a bit. "I am Lord Frieza, and I like to see my enemies cower as I destroy their home planets and everything they have ever loved!" He said proudly. You giggled which made him look a bit angry.  After the rest of the class have introduced themselves, everyone began learning how to add and subtract. You were doing fine with it but you noticed Frieza struggled with subtracting. When mathematics was over it was time for recess where they let you roam freely outside. Of course there were monitoring guys making sure everyone stayed safe. You went over to Frieza who was sitting beside a tree that had long arms and beautiful leaves. "Hi ya Frieza!" You greeted him. "What do you want you laughing monkey." He said looking up from his notebook as his tail lashed. "Oh....I didn't mean to offend you when I laughed....I just admired the way you could speak so highly like that..." You said as your tail drooped. His anger seamed to go away. "Admire?" He said raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I'm too afraid to talk highly to people, but you do it so well." You said as you sat down beside him. You noticed he was practicing subtraction. "Oh I saw you were having trouble with you subtraction today!" You said as he set his notebook down and hugged his knees. "I can help you with it." You said taking out your notebook and pencil. "Learning how to do math from a monkey? Doesn't sound like a good idea." He said narrowing his eyes a bit. "Neither does failing mathematics in kindergarten." you replied with a smile. He looked at you a bit ticked off. "Fine, but only because the other kids are useless to my needs." He said as you began writing down problems for him to do. When he started doing them, you studied the way he did it and what he was having troubles on. Once you figured out how to help him, you showed him the way you did it in a way he understood. Soon enough he was able to do the subtraction quickly. "Time to come back inside! We have a quiz on what we learned today!" The teacher called out. "Come on Frieza!" You said grabbing his hand and running towards the door. When you got in the classroom you noticed Frieza seemed distraught. "Hey, Frieza, it'll be ok, you got this!" You whispered to him before the teacher silenced you. Frieza seemed to smile as the quiz was handed to him. You were the first to finish, then Frieza, then Bruce, Jakel, Raedo, and the rest of the class. After that you and Frieza both made 100s but the rest of the clas either made an 85 or below. When Frieza got his quiz he went to you smiling. "My father will be so proud about me now! Thank you (y/n)!" He said hugging you. You hugged back. "You're welcome Frieza." Once he finished hugging you everyone went out in the halls to wait for their family members to come take them back home. You began to walk only to be stopped by Frieza. "(Y/n) wait! I want you to meet my father! I have to tell him about you." He said still holding his perfect grade. "Ok I guess Mr. Reiji won't mind if I were a little late." You said as you waited beside Frieza. Soon enough Frieza's father showed up, and you knew already he was not pleased with your presence. "Let's go Frieza, an stay away from that filthy animal." Your eyebrows shot up a bit as Frieza stood defiantly. "Father she is my friend. And look! She helped me with my subtraction and I made a perfect score on my quiz!" He said showing his score which made his father look proud. "Great job son, This is the best grade you have ever gotten." "Uh...s-sir...." You stuttered looking at Frieza's father. "Yes?" He replied looking down on you. "A-a-are y-you King a-any chance?" You stuttered shyly. "May I ask who is speaking to me?" He said crossing his arms and leaning over to you. "I-I'm (y-y/n)" you said messing with your hands. He leaned up. "Very well then, I am King Cold." He must've knew you're to be very loyal and obey his family's orders. "Well then we must be off as well as you. Good day." He said taking Frieza's hand and walking him down to their room. Frieza looked back at you and signaled you to check your notebook. You noticed it had a little piece of paper sticking out. You pulled it out only to see Frieza's hand writing on it. 'See you tomorrow (y/n)! And I hope your ready for our test this week because I the Mighty Frieza bet I can score better thank you }:)' You read. You giggled and smiled putting the piece of paper in your pocket. You then walked home noticing that you were 7 minutes late. You began rushing and opened the door to your home. "Sorry that I'm late Reiji I was just-....Reiji?" You found him passed out on the floor with a drink beside him. "Must've been a long day of work." You said as you took a blanket from his room and a pillow. You put the pillow under his head and tucked him in. "Night Dad." You whispered sadly. You went to your room. You knew that your father didn't love you or care, but you believed you had to earn his love, so you kept your grades high and behaviour good. You put Frieza's note in a little wooden box and locked it on your nightstand. Then you put on your (f/c) nightgown and tucked yourself into bed. That night you dreamed of you and Frieza playing tag and hide and seek happily together.

Long ass chapter ain't it?
And cute ass fucking Frieza in the picture

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