Chapter Three:First Mission

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Today was the first time you were going on a real mission with a group of other warriors. They were both strong but you could beat them in a fight. Barely. Your mission was to go to Planet Namek and find the Dragon Balls by finding them in the Namekian Villages. Frieza's orders were to try to be polite and get them to hand them over but if they don't, intimidate them or use force as long as you don't kill them. You made sure you would not fail your Lord. You were the first one to show up for duty. Frieza was not in the room yet. ~"Must be getting ready"~ you thought as more people began to come in. Once everyone was ready and in a line, Frieza came in the room along with the commander of you and the rest of the fighters. The commander went over the rules as Frieza looked around the room, but you caught him staring and sneaking a smile at you. which caught you off guard a bit. "Hey! (Y/n)! Stay focused!" He yelled harshly at you gaining your attention. "U-uh y-y-yes sir! Sorry just g-got distracted!" You said straitening your self up. "Well u-u-uh try better." He said mockingly. Everyone began to chuckle and Frieza signaled them to stop as his tailed flicked in annoyance. Everyone was sent on a little pod that contained seats for three people only. You and the two other men in your group joined you inside the pod. You strapped yourself in as they did the same and then you all were on your way for Namek. Once you arrived, the other groups were on different sides of the planet near villages. The leader of the group went forward flying to the nearest villages keeping his power level low. The other person began to fly matching the leader's speed. You were trying your best to keep up though. "Hey! Keep up will ya!" The leader yelled. You managed to keep up in the end as you arrived to the village. The Namekians instantly were frightened. One of the village leaders walked up. "What brings you here?" He asked without fear. The leader walked forward looking calm. "Hello, we are here to collect the dragon balls for our master. Do you by any chance have one in your possession? It would be a shame if you didn't." He said giving a kind smile. The Namekian village leader didn't look pleased. "No, in fact we do not. Now be gone." He said turning away. The second man began to whisper. "He's lying Kaito." He said to the leader. "Now then there's no need to be so hasty with this." The leader said to the Namekian leader. "After all we just got here, and isn't it kinda rude to lie to someone who asked so kindly for something that you in fact have?" He said as the Namekian Leader tensed up. He then hid his fear and replaced it with anger. "You cannot have the dragon balls you brigands! They are to be protected by us! And no villainous creatures shall have them!" You stepped forward. "Now now sir, please we mean you no harm." You said calmly. The Namekian leader seamed to calm down a bit at your sweet tone. But his calmness turned to shock as your group leader grabbed one of the old Namekians and held him, holding a blast ready to shoot at his head. "Hand over the dragon ball now." He said as the Old Namekian struggled desperately. "Kaito what are you doing?! The orders were not to kill them!" You exclaimed. Kaito grinned. "Now why would I follow orders from a lizard freak like him?" He shot the Namekian as his purple blood stained the grass. All the little namekians began to scream and cry. "KAITO YOU TRAITOR! LEAVE THESE NAMEKIANS ALONE! WHEN I TELL LORD FRIEZA YOU'RE DEAD!" You growled powering up. "And how will that happen if there's no one to tell him?" He shot another blast at you which hit you in your left arm. You yelled in pain clenching your arm. Then Kaito and his friend began murdering the other namekians. You began shooting Kaito and his friend and ended up killing his friend with one lucky blast to his head. Kaito's face burned with anger. "YOU BASTARD!" He flew straight at you punching you in the stomach, causing you to cough up blood. He punched you over until one of the village warriors fired at him causing him to get off guard. You quickly kicked him as hard as you could sending him flying. He got back up and shot you but you moved to the side causing him to miss. You guys began to fight up in the air punching, kicking, and dodging. None of you got a good hit on each other until you both ended up making each other shoot back to the grass. You got up only to see Kaito flying up just until he was above the village. He made a ki blast and shot it down at the village, killing all the namekians. "NO!" You yelled as you watched all the innocent lives being destroyed before you. Anger fueled you. You attacked Kaito with all your strength and you were winning. With one finishing blow to his stomach he dropped to the floor which he then died. You searched the village hoping to find survivors or a dragon ball. Your eyes filled with tears at the sight of all the dead Namekian children. "I am so sorry for this. You should have lived your life longer you sweet children...Please live happily with your family now..." You said kneeling down and bowing your head. As you got up you noticed one Namekian staggering towards you. You quickly went up to help him. "I can get you help! Just hold on." You said as you began dialing a medical cell phone but the Namekian made you put it away. He held out what seamed to be a two year old Namekian. "P...please.....I have no t...time h..him" He said managing to use all his strength to speak. You held the Namekian toddler and cradled him. He had a little gash on the side of his face but he was ok. The Namekian you were trying to help layed on the floor looking at the beautiful sky and began to slowly die. Tears fell down at the sight. "I will, I promise. I will protect him with my own life." You vowed as the Namekian villager whispered 'Thank you'. You looked at the Namekian child you were now keeping. "Hmm....what should I call you?" He began making cooing noises. You looked at the trees the namekians were planting. You heard about these tree before, they are called Ajisas. "How's Ajisa?" You said as he began laughing. You smiled at him. "Ajisa it is then." You began walking to your pod when you noticed something shining in the rubble of a broken house Kaito destroyed. You picked it up and you almost screamed in happiness. It was a Dragon Ball! "Frieza will be so happy!" You immediately got back in your pod and headed straight for Frieza. Frieza was at another side of Namek where he had headquarters there. You were the first to report back to him. You got out of your pod holding the dragon ball behind you and Ajisa on your back. You ran up quickly to Frieza. "Lord Frieza!" You said excited. He turned around. "Ye-" he stared at the Namekian kid. "(Y/n) why do you have that thing?" He said looking disgusted at the Namekian. "It's a long story but-" he cut you off trying not to sound rude. "You can tell me later. Why have you reported back here so quickly and why are you not with your group?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Well Lord that's a part of the story but this is why I came back." You held out the Dragon Ball. Frieza's eyes shot open wide. "Y-you...YOU FOUND ONE!" You handed it to him nodding. He admired the Dragon Ball, mostly admiring his reflection in it. "Thank you for what you have done (y/n)." He said putting the dragon ball down and bowing his head. "Now about the story and your group." You nodded. "The group I was in was a group of traitors sir. They disobeyed your orders and killed the Namekians and destroyed the village. Luckily the Dragon Ball was unharmed." Frieza's face turned red with anger. "THOSE FOOLS WHERE ARE THEY?!" He yelled. "Frieza it's ok I took care of them. They are dead now. I had to kill them after they insulted you and disobeyed you." You said bowing your head. "Good work dear, and thank you once again, but you still have to explain to me why you have this....Namekian with you." He said pointing at Ajisa who was playing with you hair. "Oh, well sir, after the group leader destroyed the village killing all the Namekians and after I killed him, there was one survivor with him." You said holding Ajisa. "He asked me to keep and protect him for him and I vowed that I would. The poor Namekian died soon after." Frieza nodded smiling at you. "Well as reward I'll allow you to keep him and let him allowed on the ship." He said looking at Ajisa. "Thank you sir." You bowed. "Now my dear, since you have done so much, you do not need to go out and continue the mission, it appears you have accomplished more than that and I would like to speak to you privately to go over some things later." He said as he sat down. You sat down with Ajisa in your lap. Ajisa began to stand up and jump on your back. You laughed a bit. "Ajisa what are you doing?" He chewed on your hair and you laughed more. You took him off your back and put him back on your lap. He started playing with your hands after that. Frieza was amused at this. Ajisa was a laughing mess with you. Frieza's Thought:~"She's so kind and much loyal to my honour. Not to mention good with kids."~ He though as he smiled looking at you and Ajisa playing. You looked up to see Frieza smiling at you. You accidentally smiled and quickly looked away and kept playing with Ajisa. You felt your face heat up as you began blushing. ~"Fucking he's going to see me blushing..."~ you thought as you felt embarrassed at how your face heated up. It took about 5 hours for the rest of the groups to report back. Unfortunately none of them seamed to have any luck. "What is the meaning of this?" Frieza said as he stood up. "All of you failed me?" He said as he began looking at all the fearful faces. "Fools, I gave you a simple mission and you failed. The only one here finished their mission in a few minuites and defended my title after her group turned out to be traitors. Now if you didn't complete the mission then you must be traitors as well? Failing purposely or not even trying?" He said as the others begged and pleaded trying to make Frieza believe they were loyal. All except for Zarbon and Dedoria. They knew they were loyal and didn't need to act like a fool to show it. "Silence! I don't want to hear it. You all will train harder tomorrow with the exception of (y/n). And maybe even complete the mission another day." He said as he signalled you to follow him as he walked into the headquarters. You quickly followed him feeling the heat of everyone's angry eyes on you. You began to accidentally walked closely beside Frieza but you didn't noticed. Frieza seamed to notice which caused him to blush. You looked at him and saw his flustered face and his eyes looking at the floor and you quickly kept a two foot space between each other. "Sorry about that Lord Frieza. I guess I dozed off.." You said as your own face became flustered from embarrassment. "It is alright, do not trouble yourself with such things my dear." He said as he looked up once more. You two walked into a room appearing to be his somewhat office. He sat down. "Now that we are alone for once..." His next sentence almost scared you as his tone changed comepletely. "How have you been (y/n)?" He said smiling. A real happy smile with his eyes open instead of narrowed! "" You tried to make words but failed. "Still have trouble speaking don't you?" He asked chuckling. "Well it has been a long time hasn't it friend?" He said smiling. You began to smile feeling warmth flow through you. "Yes, indeed it's been too long actually...I've been beginning to think after all these years, you've grown out of our friendship....." You said sounding a little sad. "No, I am sorry (y/n)...back when I stopped coming to school, I left because my father wanted me to train with a real commander and himself. They taught me fighting moves that no one was to learn so that I would be the strongest." He said. "Well it worked didn't it, just look how you turned out. And you got what you wished to be!" You said smiling at the memory. "Lord Frieza, Strongest being in the Universe." You said chuckling. Frieza stood up. "I am not the most powerful being in the Universe. yet. That's why I am gathering the Dragon Balls so I can become the most powerful one." He said proudly. "Well your the most powerful one to me." You said with admiration. "Oh don't flatter me (y/n)." He said smiling. "Hey only telling to truth my Lord." You said holding up your hands. He took your hands and held them close. "Please (y/n)." He smiled whispering to you.
"Call me Frieza."

Hey guys don't forget to support me for more chapters for this! It'll really help a lot thank you! :D

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