Chapter 54 - The Big Date, Part 2

Start from the beginning

"You nut," I said, laughing. "This is just crazy," I added.

He reached over and took my hand and winked at me. "Are you enjoying it?" he asked, with that charming, boyish smile he has that I get to see so rarely.

"Very much so," I said. "But you're still crazy, all of you. And Garth is a trip."

"Well then," he said, "we've achieved our goal." He got a little serious then and added, "Maggie, we were never able to take you two out for so much as dinner. And here we are expressing our deepest love for each other. Seemed like something was missing in the middle there." Then he got that mischievous smile again and said, "We thought you two deserved to be courted properly, at least once."

"Well, this is amazing. You guys did great. I don't think it could have been done any better if we'd planned it ourselves."

Sam's POV

Katie and I watched with amusement as Garth went through the Champaign ritual with Dean and Maggie. It was so good seeing my brother like this. Which made me think, I don't think I've EVER actually seen him like this. I looked across the table at Katie and she looked back at me, smiling broadly.

"I don't know what to feel Sam," she said. "Amusement, flattery, love, yeah all those and more. But they are all mixed in with my complete and total realization that you are both certifiably insane!"

I laughed then, and I knew she had been totally bedazzled (imagine me using that word) at what we'd done, and knew we had achieved our goal. We wanted to give the girls one special night they would never forget, and I think we did that in spades.

Katie watched me with sparkling eyes as Garth went through the Champaign routine with me as he had Dean, but I played it just like we had rehearsed anyway, and got her to at least giggle a bit.

When Garth had gone again, Katie said she'd never had Champaign in her life, and I said, "Well, go ahead, try it." She sipped it cautiously and made a little grimace.

"Is this an acquired taste?" she asked, quietly.

"I don't really know," I answered, "Except for that sip earlier, I've never had any either."

We both laughed then, and she said "Well, go on, try it. I hear this costs an arm and a leg."

So I took a fairly large sip of my Champaign and swirled it around like I've seen people do in movies and pronounced, "Yes, it's a very good year." And then I whispered conspiratorially, "Don't tell anyone, but I'll stick with my beer."

She laughed then, and if I hadn't already known how I felt about her, I would have fallen in love right then and there.

Dean's POV

Garth came out of the door with a basket of warm rolls and butter. The basket was one of those plastic ones like you get to use at some fried chicken places, and the rolls were the kind that comes in a tube and you bake them yourself. But if Maggie noticed, she didn't say a word.

Garth was soon back and handed us the little cards he'd made with the entrée list:

Filet Mignon

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Baked Salmon Dijon

I watched Maggie's puzzled face when she read the menu, but she stayed with the program and ordered the Salmon. I ordered the filet and went back to watching my woman. My woman! That had a nice ring to it. Who was it somewhere that said it was better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? I don't remember, but I'm thinking he might have been right. Still terrifies me, but one day at a time, that's the way to do this. All I could hope for now was that if one of us had to experience the loss, well then I hoped it would be me.

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