Chapter 48 - A Rude Awakening

Start from the beginning

I showed Garth to a room he could use and told him to make himself at home, and we all hit the sack.

Sometime in the night I sensed my bedroom door open, but before I could react I was punched in the face. "Where is it, you Son-of-a-Bitch!" Dean was shouting. After a few punches, he grabbed my tee shirt and held it tight, lifting me up. "I know it was you, had to be, you tell me where it is!"

"Dean!" I yelled, "What the hell! Stop!" He was half out of his mind, and furious on top of that. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I yelled, while trying to dodge his punches.

"The blade, you asshole, what did you do with the blade?" he yelled back, still swinging.

"What?... Blade?.. You mean the First Blade?"

"You goddamn well know that's what I mean, where is it?"

By that time the commotion had awakened Garth, and he ran into the room and between us we were able finally to subdue Dean. But he still wasn't making much sense.

"Dean," I said, "I haven't touched that blade. Are you saying it's gone?"

"That's what I'm saying," he said, struggling to get free of Garth's grip. "And you're a goddamn liar, Sammy, it could only have been you, so where the fuck is it?"

"Dean," I yelled right in his face. "Calm the fuck down! If the blade is gone then we have one hell of a big problem, because I DIDN"T DO ANYTHING WITH IT!"

That seemed to get through to him, and he looked up at me and said, "You didn't? Really?" He looked so pathetic that if this hadn't been such a troubling situation I might have had to laugh at him. "Come on," I said, "Show me."

He stared at me like he was trying to figure out a math problem in his head, and then he shook himself to get free of Garth's hold. I nodded to Garth to let him go, and we all went to the weapons room where we had stashed the blade. The box that used to hold it was there. But the blade was gone.

"what the…" I started to say.

"How could it be gone, Sammy?" asked Dean angrily. "How?"

"I don't know," I said. "But I have another question. Why were you even looking for it in the middle of the night? How is it that you even knew it wasn't here?"

Dean was really acting crazy, like a rat in a cage. His eyes were darting all over the place, like he was looking for someplace to run. Then he just slid to the ground and zoned out. When he spoke again it was totally without expression. "Because I always do," he said. "I come in and look at it every night."

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed.

Garth said, "Sam, I don't know what this thing is, but are really saying you didn't take it?"

"I did not. But I might have if I'd known that's what he was doing. Christ, what now?"

"The girls?" asked Garth.

I shook my head. "No. No way. One, they've had no idea where it's been kept, and two, they don't have the key to this room. Only Dean and I have the key to this room," I said.

"Well then," he said. "Where did it go?"

I let out a deep breath, and said. "Help me get him up. Take him to my room. I'm not leaving him alone."

We got Dean up and I locked the door to the weapon's room. Dean was able to walk on his own but he was terribly unsteady. We got him to my room and laid him out on the bed. I said, "Just watch him for a minute," and went to the bathroom to assess the damage to my face. I was pretty bloody, and I spared a moment to be thankful that Katie wasn't here. I had a cut on my cheek and two cuts on my lip, and I was pretty sure my nose was broken, again! I cleaned myself up and when I went back into the room, Dean was sleeping. I let Garth go and sat down in the chair to think.

When I ran through all the possibilities, I didn't like the only answer I could come up with. I knew I didn't take the blade, and Dean sure as hell didn't. If Dean went there every night, then it couldn't have been our guests, even assuming the ridiculous notion that they would have wanted to and could somehow have opened the door. I couldn't see either of the girls taking it. I went out into the hallway and called Cas.

"Cas, it's Dean. He's in a bad way. We need you," I prayed, hoping Cas would come for my call, which he didn't always do. But fortunately this time he did.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding worried. I explained the situation quickly and asked him if by some chance he had taken the blade. "No," he said, "Why would I?"

"I didn't really think you would," I said. "But I had to be sure. And that only leaves two possibilities, and they both suck!" I said. Cas raised his eyebrows in question. "Either someone unknown has found their way in here, or they have found a way to teleport the blade out!"

Cas looked as distressed as I felt. "Can you do anything for him?" I asked. "The way he's acting is freaking me out!"

Cas went into the room where Dean was sleeping and touched him on the forehead. "That should keep him calmer for a while but it's only temporary. It might last a few days, maybe a week."

"Thanks, Cas. That's a big help," I said, and he winked out. I sat up the rest of the night, watching and thinking. It was a very long night.

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