8. Feelings

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Chapter 8 - Feelings

Callen's pov

After the blast, I jumped up, seeing as I was just knocked off my feet and looked around for Paris and Sam. Paris was just infront of me, standing up also but Sam was led still by the door. I raced over immediately as did Paris and the rest of the team, who I see had taken cover behind their cars.

As soon as I reached him, the bomb squad and the paramedics pulled up. I turned Sam onto his back and felt for a pulse, he was breathing normally thank god. After a few seconds he began to stir in my arms and started coughing violently as there had been a lot of smoke. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"G, am I dead? Cuz I feel like I should be dead.", He croaked.

"No big guy, your not dead, not yet anyway", I grinned.

Then the paramedics came over and lifted him onto a strecher with an oxygen mask to help him breathe through the smoke.

After we all had a quick check over, which was unnessecary but ordered by Hetty, we all hopped into our cars and called it a night.

Deek's pov

Once the case was over, and we knew that Paris and Sam were ok, I got in the car to go back to the hospital to Kensi as I had promised earlier. 30 minutes later I was just pulling up to the hospital with 2 portions of yummy yummy heart attack in one hand and a bag of jam doughnuts in the other. As soon as I walked in and saw her in the bed my eyes lit up and a huge grin spread across my face, as did hers although I'm pretty sure it was because she saw me holding the food.

"Oooh gimme gimme", she squealed stretching her arms out towards the takeout.

"Well hello to you too partner", I chuckled, passing her the bag and taking a seat beside her in the chair.

"Hi", she said sarcastically and I chuckled again. "So, why did you have to leave? What was the case?", she questioned whilst shoving a huge forkfull of food into her mouth.

"Well, to cut a long story short, Paris was kidnapped by the Taliban on an undercover mission in Pakistan and they were holding her captive. We had 3 hours to get them a safe passage out of LA, 2 million dollars and a list of all our assets working in the Taliban, but the freaking genius kids got us a lead before that and together with Agents Gallagher and Keats we infultrated the warehouse where they were holding her and got her out, but she's fine now, she was given the all clear just before I left", I answered.

"What?!" Kensi spluttered, almost spitting out her noodles.

"Oh and there was a bomb too. Sam was busted up pretty bad but he's been taken care of. The doctors said he'll be back to normal in a few days." I added.

"Oh my god! All that in 3 hours?!" She chuckled, "well at least their gunna be ok"

"What a life we do lead Fern", I joined in her laughing, and for once she didn't call me up on calling her Fern. I droppped by takeout box into the bin by the bed and grabbed a doughnut from the bag that Kensi was alrady devouring. We stayed up for a few more hours, talking and watching America's Next Top Model - well Kensi watching and me commenting on how pointless the show was whilst she 'shushed' me and hit me with her pillow. Before I knew it, it was midnight and we were both yawning.

"I really don't know what I would have done if I'd lost you Kens" I whispered, admitting what I'd been feeling for the past week.

"Well it's a good job you didn't lose me then", she relpied with a weak smile which I then returned.

"Goodnight Deeks", she whispered, squeezing my hand then rolling onto her side, but not letting go of my hand.

"Night Kens", I whispered back before shutting my eyes and letting sleep overcome me.

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