5. Captured

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Chapter 5 - Captured

Nell’s pov

 I grabbed Eric by the arm and dragged him along the corridors of the hospital, closer to Kensi’s room. I haven’t seen Kensi in 2 days so I really want to see how she’s doing. Eric and I were in ops an hour ago discussing our reports we’d spent hours working on for our last case when we got a call from Callen telling us to get to the hospital right away. I immediately started freaking out but Eric calmed me down, he’s great like that.

 We entered Kensi’s room to see Kensi, Deeks, Sam and Callen all smiling and laughing. Kensi turned to us and grinned.

 “Hey Nell, hey Eric, how are my two favourite techs?”, she said.

I immediately broke into a grin matching the Kensi’s, realizing she must remember everything as no one has told her about me and Eric being tech operators. Eric however, was a little slower to pick up what she had just said.

 “Hey Kens, how are y-, wait what? Did you say techs? But- that must mean…?!”, he exclaimed excitedly.

 I rolled my eyes walked over to Kensi with my arms open. I embraced my best friend in a hug.

“You remember!”, I said with a huge smile.

“Every single thing”, she grinned deviously at me. Its true, its great that she has her memory back but there are probably a few things I have told her on a drunken night out that I wouldn’t be too opposed to her forgetting. 

 “So Kens, how long do you think it will be before you're allowed back in the field?”, Eric questioned.

 “I-”, Kensi began.

“I think I can answer that question Mr Beale”, said Hetty suddenly appearing at the door. She turned to Kensi. “Ms Blye, the doctors have informed me that you should be able to return to work in 7 days, however they do not have the clearance to know the extent of your job so you may return to work in next week but you will do no field work for the next two weeks. For that period you will be working with Eric and Nell in ops.”, Hetty finished.

 “But Hetty-”, Kensi was cut off yet again.

 “No buts Ms Blye. This is not a discussion, its an order”, Hetty stated firmly.

 “Fine”, Kensi sighed, admitting defeat. I shot her an apologetic smile. As much as she isn’t happy about being stuck up in ops for a week, I am looking forward to it. Eric’s great but sometimes a girl needs a girl on girl talk, and Hetty isn’t always the ideal person to have that talk with.

 “I will see you at work in a week Ms Blye”, Hetty said, making her way to the door, “Oh and the doctors wished me to inform you that you must not drive for the next two weeks, so I am afraid you’ll have to carpool with Mr Deeks”, she very wisely made a swift exit from the room. I’m pretty sure everyone in the hospital heard Kensi yell “WHAT?!” when Hetty told her she’d have to ride with Deeks for two weeks.

As we were all catching up with Kensi, I got a phone call saying that the whole team – minus Kensi – had to return to osp immediately as we had a case. I informed the guys and we all got up to leave, saying goodbye to Kensi.

 “See you later Kens, I’ll pick you up and take you home as soon as we get out. I’ll bring takeout too”, Deeks said with a wink as we walked out the room.

 “Yummy yummy heart attack”, Kensi called.

 “You got it Fern, see you in a few hours”, Deeks replied smirking.

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