Prologue - Intruder

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Prologue - Intruder

Kensi's pov

It was around 1am and I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard a loud clutter coming from the kitchen. I jolted upright, immediately awake. No-one else was here. Grabbing my gun from under my pillow, i slipped out of bed and into the kitchen, where i saw a man dressed in black clothes with his back to me.

"NCIS, put your hands up", I said calmly. He slowly raised his arms and turned around. I thought I got him, but then I heard the click of a gun behind me.

"I don't think so sweetheart", said another voice from the darkness. Before I could even turn around he struck me over the head with his gun, knocking me unconcious.

According to the clock on my wall, I awoke an hour later and found myself tied to a chair in the middle of my living room with a gag in my mouth. All that I could see around me was darkness and a silver line of light coming from what i thought was the door. The ray expanded as the door opened and in came the tall figure of a man who came and stood before me. He knelt down to my face and lent into me. I turned my face away from his and he grabbed my jaw and pulled it back so our cheeks were side by side.

"Look Kensilina..." he whispered in my ear.

I spat out the gag and said "Where the hell did you hear that name?!"

"That's not important right now, you should be more worried about whats going to happen to you", he chuckled.

He pulled out a bag from behind his back and I saw the butt of a gun and the blade of a knife before a fist made sharp contact with the side of my face. Then the torture began.

Authors Note: Hey so this is our first fanfiction! the next part will be uploaded in a few days but our updates after that will probbably be about every 2 weeks and obviously, this is just the prologue so the actual chapters will be a lot longer than this :) Hope you like it! - Bea and Ebs :)

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