Chapter 9- Fear

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~pic has nothing to do with chapter, I just liked it.~
~Swears because Alex has a potty mouth~

The cubes reconnected and returned to Coran. Allura was the first to speak.

"Zarkon... how did he find us?"

"His commanders must have radioed him from Alkarian." Keith stated, and I nodded in agreement despite nobody looking in my general direction.

"We need to wormhole. Now." Everyone to your stations." Shiro was in control. We all got to our seats as quickly as possible. "We've got to put some distance between us and Zarkon. This could be the fight of our lives."

I throw up the particle barrier just in time to stop a blast from hitting us. The gunfire is now constant. "That sure is a lot of fighters..." Hunk comments. No shit.

"Allura! Can you evade these fighters? We can't have them following us through the wormhole!" Shiro is fucking with his screen. Allura replies immediately.

"I can try."

"Keith, Lance! Let's lay down some covering fire!" Shiro orders. The three send out drones to attack the fighters, blowing several up.

"Lance, incoming! 12 o'clock hot!" Pidge calls over to him.

"Got it!" Lace calls, only to watch his drone get smacked by Keith's.

"Sorry! Gotta be quick!"

"How's that for quick?" Lance asked, ramming Keith's back. They start smashing their drones together. Dumbasses. Shiro saves the day.

"Knock it off you two, stay in your zones."


"Keep calling out those fighters, Pidge."

"Hunk, Alex, how are the defenses holding?"

Hunk rubs his eyes, and I give a thumbs up for my part. "I dunno" Hunk says, leaning down. "10 percent? 15 maybe? I dunno, everything is a blur. I've been up too long, I have tired eyes." He looks at me. "Alex says thumbs up... thumb middle."

"I know we just came off an intense battle but we gotta stay focused. Just until we jump!"

Allura boosted our speed.

"And when is that?" Yelled Keith. Coran checked.

"They're still too close! We need to gain more speed!"

"I've got an idea! Hold on!"

Pidge groaned as Allura sped the castle up. "Allura what are you doing?"

"I'm going to use this moon's gravity to gain some speed and put some distance between us and Zarkon!"

Everyone groaned as we slingshotted around the moon. Coran turned, looking rather green in the moustache.

"We're clear to wormhole!"

And she opened one, sending us through. The alerts stayed on and I zoned out, trying to use my broken Altean to find the reason. I heard Coran say something about malfunction. We exited in what Lance reffered to as an iceberg graveyard, Allura sweaty and tired.

"Coran.. whats.. The status.." She put a hand to her forhead.

"Checking that now. We didn't make it to our exit point, but we're several galaxies from Zarkons fleet." Allura collapsed. A chorus of worry came from everyone. "You look exhausted. You must rest. You've been exerting way too much energy. Alex, get Allura to bed with some food. I'll go check on the main turbine and see- waaaaah!"

We all looked toward the source of the crash (Coran into the wall) as I lifted Allura in my arms with little effort.

"Woah are you alright?" Lance asked, referring to Coran and the Coran shaped dent.

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