Chapter 10- Determination

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Their voices come through the comms.

"I don't see any Galra." Hunk

"Looks like that fancy Galra finder doesn't work. Nice try Pidge." Lance.

I pull up my learner in the screen corner again, keeping one eye on the systems and controls.

"So the Galra were here Lance." Pidge. He hmms in response.

"How long do we have?" Shiro. I notice a hunk of planet sink in.

"Not long!" Hunk.

"How did this happen?" Shiro.

"Like a snake shedding its skin?" Lance.

"Yeah, yeah, that doesn't sound so bad. I mean, under that skin is a new, healthy layer, right?" Hunk.

"Nope, I.... I think the next layer is acid." Pidge.

"What happened?" Lance.

Coran leaves his station for a moment and sets up the next lesson for me "Here's a writing utensil. Next is learning to read and write every character." He pats my head and I take the thing in my left hand, keeping my right over the battle controls as I write their alphabet.

"You're not stranded any more. We will save your people." Shiro.

"Uh, almost?" Lance.

"He's not here. But we can still help you." Shiro. They must be referring to Keith's absence. "Dually noted. Pidge, Hunk, take a look at the Ark and see what we're dealing with."

"Price of cake, we'll get it flying in no time." Hunk. A grunt. "Would you settle for upright?"

"Assuming we can get it up, the repairs will still take time." Pidge.

"Which would appear to be the one thing we don't have." Lance.

"We need to slow down the shedding." Shiro.

"How do you stop a planet that's coming apart at the seams?" Pidge.

"By sewing it back together!" Hunk. I can hear his smile. It makes me smile too.

"What do you mean?" Shiro.

"That new Green lion weapon causes vegetation to grow right? Well, I was thinking that if you aim it at the cracks in the planet, the vines could act like stitches." Hunk.

"Won't the stitches get dissolved by the acid?" Shiro.

"The stitches might hold longer, if they're frozen." Pidge.

"It's a plan. Hunk! You and I will take our lions and get this ark upright while Pidge and Lance buy us some time." Shiro.

"My side is clear, Shiro." Hunk.

"Almost done." Shiro.

I write Klanmürel in the Altean letters. Who named this?

"Yes! It worked!" Pidge.

"It won't hold forever! Keep going!" Shiro. "C'mon! Give it all you've got! That's it, we're almost there!"

A pause as I spell out juniberry.

"Just in time." Shiro.

A Galra ship appears, firing at the planet. I slide the learner away, readying my half of the battle controls- Coran gave me offense this time.

"What was that?" Pidge.

"The Galra- they're back." Shiro. They fire another blast at the planet. "Hunk!" Take the yellow lion and hold up the ark!" What.. what other lion would he use.... It's not like he's gonna fuckin.. do a flip into blue and chuck Lance out the drivers seat. "If it falls into the acid, the Taujeerians are doomed!" No shit.

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