Mr Kingston's Roommate|03

Start from the beginning

The girl extended a hand towards me, "I'm sorry again. My name is Sam, short for Samantha and this is my boyfriend Drake." I stared down at her hand, perplexed. After the incident that occurred years ago, I lost all my friends. No one wanted to befriend the girl who ripped two ripe fruits from a flourishing tree because of her incompetence.

I became the outcast of my school.

Although everyone knew what happened was not directly my fault, I was still blamed for simply being a victim. What's new? In a world that fetishes its own misery and that of others, how could I possibly expect people to look upon me with sympathy rather than animosity?

I ate alone, sat alone, and went home alone. I'm sure there were people who felt sorry for me. I'm sure they looked to me as a victim rather than the leading cause behind two innocent lives being lost. But the opinions and sympathy of others were not what I craved.

I craved that validation from the people I called my friends since I could remember. But so as to not get dragged down by the abyss that continues to ensnare me, they gradually fell off the string of my life, leaving me entangled in threads just patiently waiting to snap under the pressure.

I was left all alone, gazing at the remnants of a seemingly normal life.

Like I said...

I'm reduced to nothing.

Sensing my hesitation, Samantha grabbed my hand and shook it gently, "what's your name?" She asked with a bright smile on her face. "Jeez, Sam you're freaking her out." I laughed softly at the horrified look on her boyfriend's face. "I-it's Leila but everyone calls me Lei for short." She retracted her hand and signalled to my bag, "What year are you? Can I see your schedule? What's your major?"


"What!? I'm just being friendly," she chirped.

I don't know if I want friends. They stab you in the back once they have nothing left to gain from the friendship and leave you to fend for yourself. I've been bamboozled by my own best friend so to say I'm hesitant is an understatement.

"Uhm, I'm year one and my major is graphics design." Her eyebrows arched upward and her face lit up with excitement, "oh my god, I do Studio Arts! So we might be in some of the same classes! Can I see your schedule!?"

What. The. Hell.


"Sam, maybe she's not comfortable with that. Stop being pushy." Drake hissed. Her smile suddenly faltered as if she had just realized how persistent she was. "Oh, I'm sorry I just–never mind. I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." She said as she scratched the nape of her neck nervously.

But. . .she does seem genuine. Should I give her a chance? Maybe we'll hardly see one another after today. Maybe our courses really don't coincide. Friendships and acquaintanceships hardly last in college anyway so I have nothing to worry about.




She's in my class. Actually, she's in both my Drawing and English literature class so I get to see her twice a day for six hours and god knows if I'll run into her in the hallway or in our dorms. It's not that she isn't a sweet person but I think it's only fair that I'm skeptical seeing as I've been stabbed in the back by the people I trusted the most.

"Are you hungry? If you didn't know there are three services here! One: the food court that has all the fast food restaurants you can think of, Subway; Panda Express; McDonald's; Starbucks! Then there's the all you can eat buffet house for on campus residents which is us obviously. However we do have to pay a monthly fee but it's only like 100 dollars. And lastly there's the campus lunch room. It has a cafe, a snack bar and they also sell pizza, hotdogs and burgers. So where do you wanna go?"

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